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Resources for VEs

Resources for VEs



    PDF files of all Exam Session documents are available to print or download except for the CSCE (Certificate of Successful Completion of Examination) form. Please contact the ARRL VEC for a supply of CSCEs.

  • ALL SESSION FORMS (Print, Download or Fill interactively)

    Individual form files are available in PDF to print or download.
    For your convenience, exam session forms are also available as interactive forms. Simply download, fill out, and print our easy to use fillable forms.

    NCVEC 605 Form is fully interactive
    including candidate and VE signatures.
    NCVEC 605 Form 2022 (fully interactive) - Front page ONLY
    NCVEC 605 Form 2022 (fully interactive) - Front and back (instructions)
         VALID JULY 2022. 
         NCVEC 605 Form versions issued prior to September 2017
         are obsolete and cannot be used.

    CSCE Form (fully interactive) - including candidate and
         VE signatures. Contact the ARRL VEC
    Applicant Instructions  for FCC Basic Qualification Question - 2021
    Applicant Payment Instructions  for the $35 FCC application fee - Nov. 2022    
    FRN and Email Required  by FCC - June 2021   
    Candidate Roster 2023 (interactive)
    Candidate Roster 2023
    Test Session Report Sept 2024 (interactive)
    Test Session Report May 2022 
    Candidate Exam Answer Sheet (interactive) 2022  (candidate information
         section and VE grading box only; for use with the blue overlay grading
         templates; be sure to print with page size setting as 'actual size',
         do not set as 'fit' to page.)
    Candidate Exam Answer Sheet 2022  (for use with the blue overlay
         grading templates; be sure to print with page size setting as 'actual size',
         do not set as 'fit' to page.) 

    Organize Test Package 2021
    VE Survey 2021
    Element Credit Table and Information 2014
    RF Safety Information June 2021
    ARRL Privacy Policy - last modified May 2024

    Exam Session Registration Form 2015
    Restock Materials Form July 2024 (interactive)
    Restock Materials Form July 2024 
    Fee Reimbursement (interactive) 
    Exam Session Poster (interactive)
    Exam Session Poster 2015
    Youth Licensing Grant Program Reimbursement Form (2022 version)
    interactive version
    Youth Licensing Grant Program Reimbursement Form (2022 version)
    not interactive
    Visit the Youth Licensing Grant Program webpage for
    more information and for the reimbursement instructions

    VE Manual 9th Edition Supplemental Information 2023. This is information that extends and supports the published VE Manual.  

    VE Application only 2022 (interactive)
    VE Application and Open Book Review 2022 (interactive)
    VEC Fact Sheet 2023  

    All ARRL VEC Forms are easy to duplicate, except for the CSCE (Certificate of Successful Completion of Examination) because of the multiple copies. Contact the ARRL VEC for a supply of printed CSCE forms.

  • Certificate of Successful Completion of Examination (CSCE) Forms

    All ARRL VEC forms are easy to duplicate, except for the CSCE (Certificate of
    Successful Completion of Examination) because of the multiple copies.
    Contact the ARRL VEC for a supply of printed CSCE forms or to request a fully
    interactive CSCE form (including VE and candidate signatures).


    Completing the CSCE

    The following information should be filled in on the CSCE: test site (city and state), test date; candidate's signature, name, call sign (if any; if none, write "none") and complete address; and the signatures and call signs of the three VEs who administered the exams (all three are mandatory).

    In the Exam Elements Earned section, only the Exam elements passed at the session should be circled. Any element(s) failed or that aren’t taken at the session, must be lined out entirely.

    In the New License Class Earned section, the highest-level license class earned at the session should be circled and the other License Class Earned lines are to be crossed out completely.

    For example, an applicant who upgrades should be issued a CSCE that indicates the element(s) passed at the session and the new license class he/she has earned. Because a candidate can upgrade to only one license class at any given session, only one license class should be indicated on the upgrade CSCE, regardless of how many license classes he/she oversteps; such as progress from Technician to Extra class. All elements that were not taken or passed at the session should be lined out completely.

    Do not issue CSCEs to unsuccessful candidates.

    Instant Upgrade CSCEs for Candidates

    For General written test (Element 3) credit, an individual who took the combined 50-question Technician/General written test before March 21, 1987 will receive “grandfather” Technician licensees’ credit under Section 97.505 of the FCC Rules. The licensee will have to prove they held a Technician before March 21, 1987.

    The paperwork for upgrade only forms may not be sent directly to the FCC or the VEC office by the amateur (the upgrade must occur at a test session and follow the FCC guidelines). The candidate must hold a current Technician license and present themselves to a VE exam session with valid proof. Although no test will be taken, the candidate will pay the test session fee, fill out a 605 form and receive a new CSCE from the examiners before their license may be upgraded to General.

    An applicant who has proof of “grandfather” Technician licensees’ credit, but does not hold a current Technician license, must pass the Technician written exam before they can apply the “grandfather” credit towards a license. The candidate will pay the test session fee, fill out a 605 form and receive a new CSCE from the examiners showing a new General license earned.

    Expired Novice and Tech Plus licenses and Technician licenses issued after March 21, 1987 do not receive any credit.

    It is the applicant (not the VEs or coordinating VEC) who is responsible for supplying the evidence of holding valid "grandfather" credit. For detailed information on valid forms of credit, visit the Exam Element Credit web page.

    Candidates with Expired Licenses

    FCC Rule 97.505(a) offers partial credit to an examinee that has an expired General, Advanced, or Extra license. If an applicant held a General or Advanced license, and has proof, the FCC will afford credit for the General (Element 3) written exam only. If an applicant held an Extra license, and has proof, the FCC will afford credit for the General (Element 3) and Extra (Element 4) written exams.

    The FCC does not allow expired license holders to automatically qualify for a license. At a minimum, the applicant must take the current 35-question Technician exam at a VE test session to return to Amateur Radio. Ex-licensees looking for expired license credit must present proof at the session. After the test is passed and the proof is submitted, the FCC will issue a new call sign and license at the appropriate license level.

    On the CSCE in the top right corner, circle the expired license Element credit(s) and indicate which (if any) elements were passed by circling them. If no elements were passed at the session because the candidate already re-tested and has a current license, cross out all Exam Elements Earned on the form. Depending on which level of an expired license is presented as proof, circle the New License Class Earned on the CSCE.

    It is the applicant (not the VEs or coordinating VEC) who is responsible for supplying the evidence of holding expired license credit. For detailed information about expired license credit including valid forms of proof, visit the Exam Element Credit web page.

    Expired Novice and Tech Plus licenses and Technician licenses issued after March 21, 1987 do not receive any credit.

  • 605 Form and Qualification Question Instructions (Felony Question)

    Each applicant for a new license or license upgrade and three ARRL VEC
    accredited Volunteer Examiners must complete the NCVEC QUICK-FORM
    605 APPLICATION 2022
    at ARRL VEC coordinated exam sessions.
    All NCVEC 605 Form versions issued prior to September 2017 are
    obsolete and cannot be used

    Here are step by step instructions for completing NCVEC 605 Form

    All applicants must provide an FRN and email address and must answer
    the Basic Qualification Question on the 605 Form at the exam session. 

    Applicants that answer "YES" for the basic qualification
    question must
    follow these FCC instructions and procedures.

    Applicants should be aware that some information about them will be
    made publicly available on the FCC's website
    : FCC Licensee Privacy

    These instructions are an addendum to the VE Manual's 605 instructions.

  • Membership Handout for Licensees

    Information from the VE Teams to their newly licensed examinees.
    VE Teams can offer ARRL membership information to successful
    candidates new to Amateur Radio.  Effortless to use!

    The small flyer,
    features a fun, eye-catching design that can be
    displayed to candidates at your exam session.

    Contact the ARRL VEC today for your supply of membership flyers.

  • VE Manual Supplemental Information

    VE Manual 9th Edition Supplemental Information. This is information that extends and supports the published manual.  Additional information is also located on the VE Manual page.


  • Online Video-supervised Exams

    The remote video exam session is conducted using an online video conferencing platform and a web-based examination system with on-screen tests.

    VE teams are using the ExamTools online examination system for the remote video-supervised sessions and for in-person sessions.

  • VE Team Requirements

    ARRL VE teams must meet the following criteria and adhere to the following rules/policies to participate in the Remote Video sessions program. Long-standing, well established teams with a history of adhering to the highest degree of examination integrity, and that consistently submit accurate exam documents consistent with ARRL VEC standards will be selected to participate.

    Time and experience with in-person exam sessions is invaluable when transitioning to video sessions. Team leader experience at in-person sessions and/or training with an established team as a team leader for video sessions is required.

    Each VE team member must create an account to use the system (see the Creating an ExamTools Account and Remote Sessions section below for the complete instructions).

    Interested ARRL team leaders must create an account and receive an authorization email from the VEC granting permission to run exam sessions in ExamTools and to gain added functionality in the test session system. Qualified ARRL team leaders should email ARRL VEC ( for the additional instructions and VEC approval for the VE team members to create accounts and train with an experienced team.

  • Examinees - Online Exams

    Find in-person examination locations near you here: 

    If an in-person exam session cannot be located in a particular area or if taking an online exam is preferred, search for online examination teams here
    : Find an Online Exam Session   


  • Online or Printed Exams

    The ExamTools web-based examination system can be used to administer online examinations or generate printed exams.  Online exams can be used at in-person or remote video supervised sessions. 

  • ExamTools System Information

    The ExamTools system works well for online or printed examinations and includes registering and tracking candidates throughout the session, on screen exams and grading, online signing of CSCE and 605 forms by the candidate and examiners, logging and compiling session stats and VE participation list (test report summary), and output files for upload to the coordinating VEC. The program manages/handles almost everything needed to conduct a test session.

    VE teams are using the online exams for remote video-supervised testing and at in-person sessions. ExamTools printed exams have the option to use the GradeCam program for grading tests or our grading templates. GradeCam will automatically grade exams in seconds using the camera on a phone or computer, which eliminates the need to manually score the tests.  Our blue overlay grading template designs are loaded in the program and can be used with the ExamTools printed exams for manual grading of the tests.

    Creating an Account
    Each VE team member must create an account to use the system (see the Creating an ExamTools Account and Remote Sessions section below for the complete instructions).

    Interested ARRL team leaders must create an account and receive an authorization email from the VEC granting permission to run exam sessions in ExamTools and to gain added functionality in the test session system. Qualified ARRL team leaders should email ARRL VEC ( for the additional instructions and VEC approval for the VE team members to create accounts and train with an experienced team.

  • Creating an ExamTools Account and Remote Sessions

    ARRL VEs should use the ExamTools online examination system for online or printed exams. The web based program includes registering and tracking candidates throughout the session, on screen exams and grading, online signing of CSCE and 605 forms by the candidate and examiners, logging and compiling session stats and VE participation list (test report summary), and output files for upload to the coordinating VEC. The program manages/handles almost everything needed to conduct a test session.

    Instructions for conducting remote video-supervised exam sessions and using ExamTools online exams
    ARRL VE teams must meet the following criteria and adhere to the following rules/policies to participate in the video sessions program. Long-standing, well established teams with a history of adhering to the highest degree of examination integrity, and that consistently submit accurate exam documents in compliance with ARRL VEC standards will be selected to participate.

    Time and experience with in-person exam sessions is invaluable when transitioning to video sessions.
    Team leader experience at in-person sessions and/or training with an established team as a team leader for video sessions is required.

    Online Exams
    VE Teams are using the ExamTools website for online examinations. The system works well for online or printed examinations and includes registering and tracking candidates throughout the session, on screen exams and grading, online signing of CSCE and 605 forms by the candidate and examiners, logging and compiling session stats and VE participation list (test report summary), and output files for upload to the coordinating VEC. The program manages/handles almost everything needed to conduct a test session.

    1.  Watch the ExamTools training video playlist.

    2.  Read all the information in the ExamTools Overview. In the Volunteer Examiners section learn how to register for an account. Other helpful information is located in the ExamTools documentation site.  To activate the account, you must upload an official copy of your FCC license under your account settings. It’s a quick process and takes only about 30 seconds as long as you upload the official license. Reference copies are not accepted.

    3.  Register in the sandbox/development site at and then login at with your team members. DO NOT use a Facebook or Google login: Make a "real" user. The sandbox/development site is used for any training purposes and runs on its own database to avoid any issues with the ExamTools production environment.

    4.  Join the VE Discord discussion group at where you'll find a lot of useful information including how to register for as a VE and how to upgrade your VE Discord membership access.

    5.  Join an existing ARRL VE team as a VE for a live training session. Volunteer in the #arrl Discord channel so you can see the real system in action. 

    6.  ARRL VE team leaders:  Review the ARRL VEC ExamTools FAQ and ExamTools Team Lead Instructions. ARRL team leaders (liaisons) must receive an authorization email from the VEC granting permission to run exam sessions in ExamTools. Email or for approval.

    Video-supervised Session
    We found that when very detailed instructions and procedures are given to candidates ahead of the sessions, it resulted in smoother sessions for everyone with less technical issues. We urge you to follow this guideline. An example has been provided from one of the teams currently conducting video-supervised sessions.

    Please refer to Columbia University ARC’s web page for highly detailed instructions on how to conduct the video portion of the session:   You may use their wording (or similar text) when setting up video testing in your area. 

    Zoom is currently the most common video conferencing platform being used, but others can be utilized (such as Microsoft Teams, GoToMeeting, BigBlueButton, Discord, etc.) if the team is more familiar with those systems.

    The team will need to set up a way to electronically accept test fee payments directly (such as Paypal, Venmo, Zelle, Apple Pay, Google Pay, etc.) and then the team will have to send the VEC a check or pay for the candidates with a credit card.

    We suggest beta testing your entire process with team members, family members, or known candidates (such as students from your club’s ham radio classes) before offering video exams in your community or to a wider audience. 

    E-File Session Documents To The VEC
    When the team is ready to go, we can set you up with access to our private and secure upload page for the session files and add your team to the list of available remote testing teams. The ExamTools system automatically creates a VEC Archive ZIP file for easy upload by the team. Our upload page will display an on-screen acknowledgement of receipt of the upload or a failure message when unsuccessful.

    ARRL ExamTools VE teams must download and submit the VEC Archive file to the ARRL VEC. The VEC Archive is a ZIP file that includes the PDF and the full session JSON export. Other ExamTools downloadable files will not upload into our FCC data entry system. Please do not change the ZIP file name or alter the file in any way when uploading it to the VEC.

    Additional files for element credit proof or youth licensing grant program reimbursements can be uploaded as a separate file(s) at the same time as the ZIP file but should not be included within the ZIPPED file.

    In-person Sessions and Printed Exams Information
    ExamTools online exams can also be used at in-person sessions.
    View the in-person sessions exam process instructions. The program will also create printed exams that utilize GradeCam for grading tests. GradeCam will automatically grade exams in seconds using the camera on a phone or computer, which eliminates the need to manually score the tests. 
    Our blue overlay grading template designs are loaded in the program. Therefore, they can be used with the ExamTools printed exams.  Follow the instructions above for creating an account and becoming an ExamTools Team Lead (#6).  Read the printed exam creation instructions for more information. For teams that plan only to print the exams and will not be utilizing ExamTools during sessions, only the VE team leader will have to create an account. Teams can e-file session documents using our secure upload page. Contact the VEC department for instructions.

    Additional Training
    Recent video by Marcel Stieber AI6MS.
    Fully-Remote Amateur Radio Exam Administration:   Slides  or  Video 

    ExamTools System Documents: 
    How ExamTools Works Overview: 
    VE Overview and Training Videos: 




  • FCC Application Fee

    The FCC charges a fee to issue an initial license as well as for other FCC services.

    The FCC $35 fee applies to new, renewal, rule waiver, and modification applications that request a new vanity call sign. The fee will be per application.

    Administrative updates, such as a change of name, mailing or email address, and modification applications to upgrade an amateur radio licensee’s operator class or to request a sequentially issued call sign, are exempt from fees.

    The $35 Amateur application fee is effective April 19, 2022.
    Visit our 
    FCC application fee page for further information.

  • FCC Exam Element Credit for Expired Licenses

    FCC Rules, Candidate and VE information related to Exam Element Credit


    Overview and VE Team Instructions Pertaining to the FCC Element Credit Rule

    The FCC has revised the Amateur Service Part 97 rules (July 2014) to grant partial written examination element credit to holders of expired General, Advanced and Extra licenses.

    The FCC also offers partial written examination element credit to Technician licenses issued BEFORE March 21, 1987. If an applicant held a Technician prior to 3/21/1987, and has proof, the FCC will afford credit for the General (Element 3) written exam only. The FCC does not require the applicant to have been continuously licensed.

    Expired Novice and Tech Plus licenses and Technician licenses issued after March 21, 1987 do not receive any credit.

    At VE exam sessions it is the applicant (not the VEs or coordinating VEC) who is responsible for supplying the evidence of holding a valid expired license or an old Technician license for credit.

    The FCC requires former licensees — those falling outside the 2-year grace period — to pass Technician (Element 2) in order to be relicensed.

    Expired license holders will not automatically receive credit on that day and may not operate as a new licensee until a new license is granted.

    To take advantage of the FCC expired license credit rule, holders of expired licenses must attend an exam session. There they would present a photo ID and their expired license proof, pay the $15 exam session processing fee and take the Technician exam. If an applicant held a Pre-March 1987 Technician or General or Advanced license, and has proof, the FCC will afford credit for the General (Element 3) written exam only. If an applicant held an Extra license, and has proof, the FCC will afford credit for the General (Element 3) and Extra (Element 4) written exams. At VE exam sessions it is the applicant (not the VEs or coordinating VEC) who is responsible for supplying the evidence of holding valid expired license credit. Acceptable forms of proof can be found on the Exam Element Credit web page.

    If sufficient proof is not presented, the candidate has the option of taking the Tech exam and earning just a new Tech license and then attending an exam session at a later date when they have the proper documentation. As always, the candidate will have to show a photo ID, present the proof, pay the $15 exam session processing fee, and fill out all forms to receive the paper upgrade. The upgrade is not automatic and may NOT be sent directly to the FCC or to the VEC by the candidate.

    Expired licensees will not automatically get their old call sign back. The FCC will issue a new sequentially issued call sign. If they desire to obtain their old call sign they may try to do so through the FCC vanity call sign program. However, someone else may have already obtained their old call sign as a vanity call sign and therefore it would not be available.

    Current Technician licensees just presenting the proof would need to attend a VE session and the paperwork would be handled as if they are taking an exam. The candidate will have to show a photo ID, present the proof, pay the $15 exam session processing fee, and fill out all forms to receive the paper upgrade. The current Technician license combined with the old Technician license or an expired General, Advanced, or Extra license, would allow the candidate to upgrade at the session without taking any exams.


    VE Teams -- How to Fill out Forms

    At a session, the candidate must present a photo ID and their expired license credit, pay the $15 test session fee and fill out the NCVEC form 605. If the Element 2 written exam is passed and the expired license proof is valid, the VE team will issue the candidate a CSCE for the upgrade to a General or Extra class license depending on the documentation presented.

    On the CSCE in the top right corner, circle the expired license Element credit(s) and indicate which (if any) elements were passed by circling them. If no elements were passed at the session, cross out all Exam Elements Earned on the form. Depending on which level of an expired license is presented as proof, circle the New License Class Earned on the CSCE.

    On the Candidate Roster you will indicate which (if any) elements were passed or failed as you normally would. For applicants that present expired licenses as credit you will write “CL” or “CT” for license credit in the appropriate column or columns (Element 3 and/or Element 4 column) depending on which level of an expired license is presented as proof. Then fill in the License Earned at the session in that column. An example of how to fill out the candidate roster can be found on this page in the
    section above titled "ALL SESSION FORMS" (page 2 of document). 

    The VE Team must mail the proof with the session paperwork to the coordinating VEC.
    Remember the burden of proof falls on the candidate, not the VE team or the VEC. 

  • Part 97: Amateur Radio Service Rules and Regulations

    Subpart F: Qualifying Examinations Systems govern the VEC program.

  • Obtain a License Copy

    FCC Goes Paperless:
      On December 30, 2020, the FCC Wireless Services ceased the printing of paper licenses. The FCC will now only provide these documents electronically through email.

    There are a number of ways a license holder can obtain an official FCC copy of their license. Find the complete instructions on our Obtain a License Copy web page.

    An unofficial "reference copy" can always be printed from the FCC’s ULS License database License Search web page.

    New licensees must register their SSN (Social Security Number) with the FCC and receive a FRN (FCC Registration Number) before the exam date. 

    VE Teams may verify license records or printouts of licenses from the following sources: the official license printed or reference license printed from or located on the FCC website, and license data printed from or located on the ARRL website or the QRZ website.  The candidate is require to show proof of the current license to the team but the team is no longer required to collect and submit the proof to the VEC. 

    Expired license proof must be submitted to the team and to the VEC for processing to the FCC. These photocopies will not be returned. 
    his information can be found on the ARRL web page what to bring to an exam session.  

  • FCC Privacy Information

    Applicants should be aware that some information about them will be made publicly available on the FCC's website: FCC Licensee Privacy  


  • Uploading and Shipping Exam Sessions to ARRL VEC

    The preferred method of shipping exam session packages to the ARRL VEC is
    United States Postal Service (USPS) First Class Mail with an ARRL VEC supplied
    pre-paid postage label
    . Upload the session via our secure web page before
    shipping the completed the package

  • Using United States Postal Service (USPS) First Class Mail

    For shipping your exam session results to ARRL VEC office via First Class Mail, simply affix the self-adhesive business-reply label to the white self-seal envelope or any plain white envelope and present your exam session package at any post office, or place it in a convenient nearby postal service drop box, or simply hand it to your postal carrier. The postage will be billed to our ARRL VEC Business-Reply Account.

    Include the teams’ or the Liaisons’ return address on the envelope. USPS stipulates that this information must be displayed on the envelope. Any post office can refuse a package that does not have a return name and address label attached.  We request your assistance in making the most effective use of this service by processing and shipping your sessions as soon as possible but no later than ten days after the exam.

    Upload the completed session documents for quicker service. New and upgraded licenses are issued within 1 to 2 business days (for weekend sessions) and are usually issued on the same day for weekday sessions.
    See information in the section: Upload Completed Session Via the Web

  • E-File Completed Sessions to ARRL VEC

    Session Documents Upload Webpage

    Upload the completed session documents to the VEC for quicker service. Successful new and upgraded license applications are transmitted to the FCC within 1 to 2 business days (for weekend sessions) and are usually transmitted on the same day for weekday sessions.

    The US Postal Service has been slow and unreliable with moving mail and packages through their system. Some exam session packages have been unexpectedly delayed.

    Please contact the VEC department ( for the information on e-filing exam session documents through our secure upload page.  Uploading sessions as a PDF file (scanned documents) allows for quicker processing to the FCC by the VEC .  Additionally, a note should be included in the mailed package to indicate the session has already been uploaded and transmitted to the FCC.  Authorized VEs will be sent the upload page URL which is hidden from the public.

    An FCC Registration Number (FRN) is mandatory. The VE team must only accept FRNs at the session. Social Security Numbers (SSN) are not permitted on any exam documents or session files that are uploaded per the FCC. Candidates will have to be registered in the FCC system and have FRNs already issued.

    New license applicants must create an FCC user account and register their SSN in the FCC Commission Registration System (CORES) before attending exam sessions. 

    For in-person sessions using paper exams, combine the scanned session documents into one large PDF file.  If needed, the VE can upload multiple session files that are 40MB or less. The page displays an on-screen acknowledgement of receipt of the upload or a failure message when unsuccessful. The team must include a note or a printout of the upload confirmation page inside the mailed session package with the paper documents stating the date the session was electronically submitted to the VEC.

    ARRL ExamTools teams should download and submit the VEC Archive file to the ARRL VEC. The VEC Archive is a ZIP file that includes the PDF and the full session JSON export. Other ExamTools downloadable files will not upload into our FCC data entry system. Please do not change the ZIP file name or alter the file in any way when uploading it to the VEC. Additional files for element credit proof or youth licensing grant program reimbursements can be uploaded as a separate file(s) at the same time as the ZIP file but should not be included within the ZIPPED file.  The page displays an on-screen acknowledgement of receipt of the upload or a failure message when unsuccessful. These sessions do not have to be mailed to the VEC. 


    Instructions for Examinees Registering for an FCC FRN before Exam Day

    Applying for a new Amateur Radio license?
    Register in
    CORES (COmission REgistration System) and receive your FRN (FCC Registration Number) before sitting for your exam to ensure your new license is processed quickly and easily through the FCC's ULS (Universal Licensing System).
    To conduct business with the FCC, you must register through the FCC CORES and be assigned an FRN. This number will be used to uniquely identify you in all transactions with the FCC.

    View the FCC web page
    New Users Guide to ULS for step by step instructions on the registration process or the Commission Registration System Video Tutorials page for videos that help guide CORES users through a variety of situations.
    For assistance, submit a help request on the
    FCC’s Support Services page or call FCC at 877-480-3201 (Mon.-Fri. 8 a.m.-6 p.m. ET).

    What if a candidate shows up on exam day without an FRN?
    Please have the candidate register in CORES at the session on their smart phone or on a computer.
    Candidates should not need to be turned away from the session because the registration process only takes a few minutes to complete. Additionally, candidates that pre-register in CORES will have all their login and password information and can access their FCC license record as soon as it’s issued.


  • Online or In-person Exams

    Find in-person examination locations near you here: 
    If an in-person exam session cannot be located in a particular area or if taking an online exam is preferred, search for online examination teams here:    

  • Requirements for an ARRL VEC Session

    Here is a detailed list describing the items exam applicants are required
    to bring to the exam session and prohibited from using during the test.
    What to Bring to an  Exam Session

    All applicants must provide an FRN (FCC Registration Number)
    (see FRN instructions below) and must answer the Basic
    Qualification Question (felony conviction status question)
    on the 605 Form at the exam session. 

    Applicants that answer "YES" for the basic qualification question
    follow these FCC instructions and procedures.

    Per FCC rules, a valid 
    email address is also mandatory on the
    application form to receive FCC correspondence, including
    the official
    copy of your Amateur Radio license.

    Applicants should be aware that some information about them will be made publicly
    available on the FCC's website including name, address
    , and felony conviction status:  
    FCC Licensee Privacy

  • How to Obtain an FRN (FCC Registration Number)

    Examinees are required by the FCC to submit your FRN with your license application form.  New license applicants must create an FCC user account and register their Social Security Number (SSN) in the FCC Commission Registration System (CORES) before attending exam sessions.  Registrants will be assigned an FRN which will be used in all license transactions with the FCC. For instructions on how to register your SSN and receive an FRN from the FCC, visit the CORES Registration page and the FCC's Registration instructions page.
    Per FCC rules, a valid email address is also mandatory on the application form.

  • ARRL Exam Practice

    Before exam day, candidates can take on screen practice exams for all license levels to ease their nerves.
    ARRL Exam Review for Ham Radio™ is free, and users do not need to be ARRL members. The only requirement is that users must first set up a site login (this is a different and separate login from your ARRL website user registration).

  • Resources for the Disabled

    Handihams is a non-profit organization that provides assistance for individuals
    with disabilities.

  • ARRL License Manuals Online Supplements

    Check out the online supplements to the ARRL Ham Radio License Manual, the ARRL General Class License Manual and the ARRL Extra Class License Manual. The supplements offer additional information and reference sources to provide in depth explanations and enhance background knowledge.

  • Youth Licensing Information

    ARRL Youth Licensing Grant Program 

    ARRL will cover the one-time $35 FCC application fee for new license candidates younger than 18-years old for tests administered under the auspices of the ARRL Volunteer Examiner Coordinator (ARRL VEC). The $35 FCC application fee will be reimbursed after the ARRL VEC receives the completed reimbursement form and the new license has been issued by the FCC. The reimbursement check will be mailed to the fee payer. Also, candidates younger than 18-years old would pay a reduced exam session fee of $5 to the ARRL VEC VE team at the time of the exam. For more information and for the reimbursement instructions, visit the Youth Licensing Grant Program webpage.


  • Candidates and VE Teams

    Information for VE Teams and examinees on the current FCC application fee and the ARRL VEC exam fee.

  • FCC Application Fee

    The FCC charges a fee to issue an initial license as well as for other FCC services.

    The FCC $35 fee applies to new, renewal, rule waiver, and modification applications that request a new vanity call sign. The fee will be per application.

    Administrative updates, such as a change of name, mailing or email address, and modification applications to upgrade an amateur radio licensee’s operator class or to request a sequentially issued call sign, are exempt from fees.

    The $35 Amateur application fee is effective April 19, 2022.
    Visit our 
    FCC application fee page for further information.

  • ARRL Examination Fee

    Each examinee at each ARRL VEC coordinated examination session is charged the same fee in accordance with an annually established fee schedule.

    The fee charged to the examinee is the actual out-of-pocket costs incurred in preparing, processing and administering that particular examination.

    If a fee is collected, it may be used to reimburse out-of-pocket expenses regardless of whether the examinee passes or fails the examination or even if the examinee fails to appear for the designated examination session.

    Candidates younger than 18-years old will pay a reduced exam session fee of $5 to the ARRL VEC Volunteer Examiner team when taking an exam. Proper identification must be presented to and verified by the team, per the procedures for all exam candidates (what to bring to an exam session).  The $5 fee is for all candidates under the age of 18 regardless of the exam level taken.

    Additionally, ARRL will cover the one-time $35 FCC application fee for new license candidates younger than 18-years old for tests administered under the ARRL VEC program.
    For more information and for the reimbursement instructions, visit the Youth Licensing Grant Program webpage.

    Check the ARRL VEC’s current Exam Fee.

  • VE Team Expense Reimbursement

    FCC permits VECs and VEs to be reimbursed for out-of-pocket costs incurred in preparing, processing and administering examinations.

    Check the ARRL VEC’s current Reimbursement Policy.

  • Youth Licensing Information

    ARRL Youth Licensing Grant Program 

    ARRL will cover the one-time $35 FCC application fee for new license candidates younger than 18-years old for tests administered under the ARRL Volunteer Examiner Coordinator (ARRL VEC) program. The $35 FCC application fee will be reimbursed after the ARRL VEC receives the completed reimbursement form and the new license has been issued by the FCC. The reimbursement check will be mailed to the fee payer. Also, candidates younger than 18-years old would pay a reduced exam session fee of $5 to the ARRL VEC VE team at the time of the exam. For more information and for the reimbursement instructions, visit the Youth Licensing Grant Program webpage.


  • Register ARRL VEC Exam Sessions and Order Exam Supplies

    ARRL VEs can register Amateur Radio exam session dates and locations and order exam supplies quickly and easily by using our interactive ARRL Exam Session Registration Form. All ARRL VEC exam session materials, including software and forms, are supplied free of charge to ARRL accredited VE Team Liaisons (leaders).  We even pay for shipping to and from the VEC.

  • ARRL Field Stocked Teams

    ARRL VE Teams officially Field-Stocked by the ARRL VEC with a bulk quantity of our exam materials should check our VEC Exam Booklets page periodically at to ensure your VEC printed exam booklets are up-to-date. Field-Stocked VE teams should also be vigilant about keeping us informed of who has possession of the exam supplies. Notify us immediately when the teams’ field-stock changes hands to ensure that any exam updates will be mailed to and received by the proper person. To restock exam supplies via the on-line VE team restock form or to see if your team qualifies to be field-stocked with a year’s supply of exam materials visit

  • Non-ARRL Teams

    Non-ARRL Volunteer Examiner Teams may register upcoming exam session dates and locations by visiting the Non-ARRL exam session registration page.


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