ARRL Foundation Scholarship Program
Thank you for your interest in the ARRL Foundation Scholarship Program for eligible amateur radio operators pursuing higher education. The ARRL Foundation manages more than 100 scholarships established by generous donors ranging from $500 to $25,000.
The 2025 scholarship cycle opens at 9:00 am (Eastern Standard Time) on October 30, 2024 and will close at 12:00 pm (Eastern Standard Time) on January 6, 2025.
The ARRL Foundation Scholarship Committee will review all applicants for eligibility and award decisions. All applicants must be an active, FCC-licensed amateur radio operators. [NOTE: Active foreign amateur radio operators are eligible for the ARDC Scholarships]. All applicants must submit a completed online application. Transcripts and any additional required documents must be submitted WITH the application and not emailed separately. A number of scholarships require additional documents, such as a letter of recommendation from a sitting Officer of an ARRL-affiliated club. Applications without accompanying transcripts and additional required documents (if applicable) will not be considered. Scholarship recipients will tentatively be notified by early June 2024 via USPS mail and email. Awards are mailed directly to recipients' schools and will be awarded in early July 2024.
The 10-10 International Scholarships
The 10-10 Scholarships are open to all radio amateurs. US licensure, US residence and US citizenship are not requirements.
• Award Amount: $2,000
• Number of Awards: Three
• License Requirement: Any active amateur radio license (FCC-issued or foreign)
• Region: Any
• Field of Study: No preference.
• Institution: An accredited 2-or 4- year college, university, or trade school. Graduate studies accepted.
The ARRL General Fund Scholarship
- Award Amount: $2,000
- Number of awards: Multiple per year
- License Requirement: Any active Amateur Radio License Class
- Region: Any
- Field of Study: Any
- Institution: Any
- Award Amount: $2,000
The ARRL Scholarship to Honor Barry Goldwater
- Award Amount: $5,000
- Number of Awards: 1 per year
- License Requirement: Applicant must be a licensed radio amateur.
- Region: All
- Field of Study: Communications
- Institution: Fully accredited institution or university; up-to-date, official transcripts of secondary school and other work must be provided.
- Other: Applicant must be a US citizen, open only to graduating highschool seniors and undergraduate students; applicant must submit a letter of recommendation from a sitting officer of an ARRL-affiliated club attesting to the applicant's regular activity on the Amateur Radio spectrum and within the Amateur Radio community.
- Award Amount: $5,000
The ARRL Rocky Mountain Division Scholarship
- Award Amount: $500 and 1 year ARRL membership for non-member
- Number of Awards: 1 per year
- License Requirement: Any active Amateur Radio License Class
- Region: Residence in ARRL Rocky Mountain Division (CO, NM, UT or WY)
- Field of Study: Any
- Institution: Fully accredited US college or university
- Other: Applicant must be a US citizen; open only to graduating high school seniors and undergraduate students; applicant must submit a letter of recommendation from a sitting officer of an ARRL-affiliated club attesting to the applicant's regular activity on the Amateur Radio spectrum and within the Amateur Radio community
- Award Amount: $500 and 1 year ARRL membership for non-member
The Chick Allen, NW3Y, Scholarship
- Award Amount: $3,000
- Number of Awards: 1 per year
- License Requirement: Any active amateur radio license
- Region: Residence within 250 miles of Seaford, Delaware
- Field of Study: Electronics, Electrical Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, Computer Science or similar scientific field
- Institution: Any
- Other: Applicant must be a U.S. citizen; open to graduation high school seniors, undergraduate students and U.S. military veterans.
The Atlanta Radio Club Scholarship
- Award Amount: $500
- Number of Awards: 1 per year
- License Requirement: Any active Amateur Radio License Class
- Age: Applicant must be between the ages of 17 and 25 at the time of the award.
- Region: Resident of Georgia
- Field of Study: Any
- Institution: Accredited 4-year college or university, or graduate program.
- Other: Preference is given to students performing at a high academic level.
- Award Amount: $500
The Amateur Radio Digital Communications (ARDC) Scholarships
The ARDC Scholarships are open to all radio amateurs. US licensure, US residence and US citizenship are not requirements.
- Award Amounts: 20 @ $25,000, 4 @ $15,000, 17 @ $10,000, 4 @ $5,000
- License Requirement: Any active amateur radio license (FCC-issued or foreign); applicant must be licensed for at least one year prior to the date of submission of the application.
- Region: Any
- Field of Study: Any
- Institution: Any
- Other: 1) Preference will be given to applicants demonstrating a GPA of over 3.5 on a 4.0 scale. 2) Applicant must show proof of amateur radio activity during the previous year. Examples: membership in a local or regional club, participation in amateur radio emergency activities, teaching amateur radio classes, on-the-air activities, participation in college radio clubs, and any similar activities which illustrate his/her interest and participation with the amateur radio avocation. 3) Three letters of recommendation must be provided from teachers, local radio club officers and/or others with familiarity with the applicant's character, need, amateur radio interest and activity, community involvement and other factors which allow the Scholarship Committee to consider applicants. 4) Three years of transcripts must be provided along with the applicant's written rationale as to why he/she should be awarded one of the scholarships.
There will be a highly competitive analysis and review of each applicant.
The Ernest L. Baulch, W2TX, and Marcia E. Baulch, WA2AKJ, Scholarship
- Award Amount: $3,500
- Number of Awards: 1 per year
- License Requirement: Any active Amateur Radio License Class
- Region: Any
- Field of Study: Any
- Institution: Any 4-year college or university
- Award Amount: $3,500
The Richard W. Bendicksen, N7ZL, Memorial Scholarship
- Award Amount: $1,000
- Number of Awards: 1 per year
- License Requirement: Any active Amateur Radio License Class
- Region: Any
- Field of Study: Any
- Institution: 4-year college or university
- Award Amount: $1,000
The William Bennett, W7PHO, Memorial Scholarship
- Award Amount: $500
- Number of Awards: 1 per year
- License Requirement: General Class or higher
- Region: Residence in ARRL Northwest, Pacific or Southwest Division
- Field of Study: Any
- Institution: 4-year college or university
- Other: GPA of 3.0 or better for an ongoing course of study; applicant must be an ARRL member
- Award Amount: $500
The Rev. Paul E. Bittner, WØAIH, Memorial Scholarship
- Award Amount: $1,000
- Number of Awards: 1 per year
- License Requirement: Any active amateur radio license
- Region: Residence in the ARRL Central Division (Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin)
- Field of Study: Science, Technology, Engineering or Mathematics
- Institution: Any
- Other: Applicant must be a U.S. citizen with a 3.0 GPA or higher
The Byron Blanchard, N1EKV Memorial Scholarship
- Award Amount: $500
- Number of Awards: 1 per year
- License Requirement: Any active Amateur Radio License Class
- Region: Residence in ARRL New England Division (Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Vermont and Maine)
- Field of Study: Any
- Institution: Any
- Award Amount: $500
The Henry Broughton, K2AE, Memorial Scholarship
- Award Amount: $5,000
- Number of Awards: 1 per year; multiple as income permits
- License Requirement: General Class or higher
- Region: Residence within 70 miles of Schenectady, NY
- Field of Study:
Bachelor's degree or higher in engineering, sciences, or similar field
- Institution: Accredited 4-year college or university
- Award Amount: $5,000
The Mary Lou Brown Scholarship
- Award Amount: $2,500
- Number of Awards: Multiple per year as funds permit
- License Requirement: General Class or higher
- Region: Resident of ARRL Northwest Division (AK,ID,MT,OR,WA)
- Field of Study: Bachelor's degree or higher; GPA 3.0 or higher
- Institution: Any
- Other: Demonstrated interest in promoting the Amateur Radio Service
- Award Amount: $2,500
The William Gordon Buckner, WØVZK, Memorial Scholarship
- Award Amount: $2,000
- Number of Awards: 1 per year
- License Requirement: Any active Amateur Radio License Class
- Region: Any
- Field of Study: Any
- Institution: Accredited 4-year college or university, or graduate program.
- Other: Preference is given to students performing at a high academic level.
- Award Amount: $2,000
Award Amount: $3,000
Number of awards: One per year
License Requirement: Any active Amateur Radio License Class for at least a year
Region: Preference to Maryland or residents of ARRL Atlantic Division
Field of Study: An accredited 2- or 4-year college, university or trade school
Other: Must demonstrate use of amateur radio through public service, community events, ARES, RACES or SKYWARN, GOTA, Field Day, etc. Also must be a citizen of the United States but without regard to gender, race, national origin, handicap status or any other factor.
The L. B. Cebik, W4RNL, and Jean Cebik, N4TZP, Scholarship
- Award Amount: $5,000
- Number of Awards: 1 per year
- License Requirement: Technician Class or higher
- Region: Any
- Field of Study: Any
- Institution: 4-year college or university
- Award Amount: $5,000
The Central Arizona DX Association Scholarship
- Award Amount: $1,000
- Number of Awards: 1 per year
- License Requirement: Technician Class or higher
- Region: Residence in AZ
- Field of Study: Cumulative GPA of 3.2 or higher
- Institution: Any
- Other: Graduating high school students will be considered before current college students
- Award Amount: $1,000
- Award Amount: $500
- Number of Awards: 1 per year
- License Requirement: Any active Amateur Radio License Class
- Region: Any
- Field of Study: Any
- Institution: Accredited 2 or 4-year college, technical school, or university
- Other: Applicants must submit documents of learning disability (by physician or school) and indications that applicant is putting forth substantial effort regardless of resulting academic grades.
- Award Amount: $500
The Tom and Judith Comstock Scholarship
- Award Amount: $2,000
- Number of Awards: 1 per year
- License Requirement: Any active Amateur Radio License Class
- Region: Residence in TX or OK
- Field of Study: Any
- Institution:
Applicant must be a high school senior accepted at a 2 or 4-year college or a student currently enrolled at a 2 or 4-year college
- Award Amount: $2,000
The Irving W. Cook, WAØCGS, Scholarship
- Award Amount: $1,000
- Number of Awards: 1 per year
- License Requirement: Any active Amateur Radio License Class
- Region: Resident of KS
- Field of Study:
Bachelor's degree or higher in electronics, communications, or related fields
- Institution: Any
- Award Amount: $1,000
The Charles Clarke Cordle Memorial Scholarship
- Award Amount: $1,000
- Number of Awards: 1 per year
- License Requirement: Any active Amateur Radio License Class
- Region: Resident of GA or AL
- Field of Study:
GPA of 2.5 or higher; preference to students of electronics, communications, or related fields
- Institution: Any in GA or AL
- Award Amount: $1,000
The James Cothran, KD3NI, Scholarship
- Award Amount: $2,000
- Number of Awards: 1 per year
- License Requirement: Any active Amateur Radio License Class
- Region: Resident of Atlantic Division (DE, MD, PA, Southern NJ, Western NY), the Roanoke Division (NC, SC, VA, WV), the Southeastern Division (AL, FL, GA) or Washington, D.C.
- Field of Study: Any
- Institution: Any
- Award Amount: $2,000
The CTRI/Chris Seeber, KA1GEU, Memorial Scholarship
- Award Amount: $1,000
- Number of Awards: 1 per year
- License Requirement: General Class or higher
- Region: ARRL New England Division (Connecticut, Rhode Island, Vermont, Maine, New Hampshire); if no suitable applicant identified, applicants from all regions will be considered
- Field of Study: Science, Science Education, Math, Math Education, Engineering or Technology
- Institution: Any accredited 2- or 4-year college or university
- Award Amount: $1,000
The CWops Scholarship is open to any qualified applicant regardless of location or nationality.
- Award Amount: $1,000
- Number of Awards: 1 per year
- License Requirement: Any
- Region: Any
- Field of Study: Any
- Institution: Fully accredited educational institution of higher learning, 2- or 4-year, undergraduate, graduate or post-graduate, or a fully accredited trade, art or professional school
- Other: Demonstrated CW operating ability within the last 24 months by providing a copy of a certificate, listing in a magazine showing results or a letter from a person responsible for membership (Examples include but are not limited to: ARRL Code Proficiency certificate at 15 wpm or higher; successful completion of CWA Basic Level or higher; membership in CWops or HSC or other club where some level of CW proficiency is a requirement for membership; participation in a CW contest where the results have been published; operation in a CW traffic net where the net manager provides a letter attesting to the candidate's on-air participation; or achieving any award where all contacts are CW)
The Harry J. Dannals, W2HD, Memorial Scholarship
- Award Amount: $1,000
- Number of Awards: 1 per year
- License Requirement: Any active Amateur Radio License Class
- Region: Any
- Field of Study: Science, technology, engineering, or mathematics
- Institution: Any
- Award Amount: $1,000
Click on a scholarship below to expand for more information.
The East Coast Amateur Radio Service (ECARS) Scholarship
- Award Amount: $2,500
- Number of Awards: 3 per year
- License Requirement: Active Technician Class or higher
- Region: Applicant must reside in the general coverage areas of ECARS including ARRL Atlantic, Great Lakes, Hudson, New England, and Roanoke Divisions (CT, DE, KY, ME, MD/DC, MA, MI, NH, NJ, NY, NC, OH, PA, RI, SC, VT, VA, WV)
- Field of Study: STEM (science, technical, engineering, manufacturing)
- Institution: Full-time studies at a two-year trade school or 4-year undergraduate institution
- Other: Applicant should generally be between the ages of 17 and 25 at the time of the award, but older applicants retraining in a changing job market will be considered
- Award Amount: $2,500
The New England FEMARA Scholarship
- Award Amount: $2,000
- Number of Awards: Multiple per year as funds permit
- License Requirement: Technical Class or higher
- Region: Resident of New England states (ME, NH, VT, CT, RI, MA)
- Field of Study: Any
- Institution: Any
- Other: Academic merit, financial need and a demonstrated interest in community or school interests will be considered highly important in selecting a recipient
- Award Amount: $2,000
The Charles N. Fisher Memorial Scholarship
- Award Amount: $1,000
- Number of Awards: 1 per year
- License Requirement: Any active Amateur Radio License Class
- Region: Residence in ARRL Southwestern Division (AZ, Los Angeles, Orange, San Diego, Santa Barbara)
- Field of Study: Electronics, communications, or related fields
- Institution: Regionally accredited
- Award Amount: $1,000
The Fort Meyers Amateur Radio Club Scholarship
- Award Amount: $1,000
- Number of Awards: 1 per year
- License Requirement: Any active Amateur Radio License Class
- Age: Any
- Region: Preference will be first given to residents of Florida
- Field of Study: Any
- Institution: Accredited undergraduate degree-granting institution
- Other: Student must be full time
- Award Amount: $1,000
The Frankford Radio Club (FRC) Scholarship
- Award Amount: $1,500
- Number of Awards: 1 per year
- License Requirement: Valid US issued amateur radio license
- Region: Preference given to residents within 175 miles from Alburtis, Pennsylvania
- Field of Study: Electronics, Electrical Engineering, Computer Science or related fields
- Institution: Any accredited college, university or trade school
- Other: The scholarship is open to graduating high school seniors, undergraduate students and US miltary veterans
The Clive Frazier, K9FWF, Scholarship
- Award Amount: $1,000
- Number of Awards: 2 per year
- License Requirement: Any active amateur radio license class
- Region: Preference given to applicants from the 9th call area or attending a Big Ten school
- Field of Study: STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering or Mathematics)
- Institution: Any
The Free Family [N3TG (sk), K3MAF, KC3YO, K4FRE, KB4HGU (sk), KB4HGV (sk)] Scholarship
- Award Amount: $1,000
- Number of Awards: 1 per year
- License Requirement: Any active Amateur Radio License Class
- Age: Any
- Region: Preference will be first given to residents of Virginia
- Field of Study: Any
- Institution: Preference will be given to qualified applicants, regardless of residency, attending Rice University in Houston, TX and Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, VA
- Other: Student must be full time
- Award Amount: $1,000
The Alfred E. Friend, Jr., W4CF Memorial Scholarship
- Award Amount: $5,000
- Number of Awards: 1 per year
- License Requirement: Any active Amateur Radio License Class
- Region: Any
- Field of Study: Engineering
- Award Amount: $5,000
The Walter Gallinghouse, K5DSL, Scholarship
- Award Amount: $1,000
- Number of Awards: 1 per year
- License Requirement: Applicant must hold a Technician Class or higher Amateur Radio Operators license.
- Region: Preference will be given to applicants residing in Louisiana. If no qualified applicant is identified, the scholarship may be awarded to an applicant from the Delta Division (Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee).
- Field of Study: Business, Science, Math, Engineering or Technology-related field.
- Institution: Fully accredited institution or university.
- Other: Applicant must be a US citizen.
- Award Amount: $1,000
The Hy and Mimi Ginsberg Memorial Scholarship
Award Amount: $1,250
Number of awards: One per year
License Requirement: Any active Amateur Radio License Class
Region: Any
Field of Study: Any
Institution: An accredited 2- or 4-year college, university or trade school. Graduate studies permitted.
Other: Must be a citizen of the United States but without regard to gender, race, national origin, handicap status or any other factor.
The Ted, W4VHF, and Itice, K4LVV, Goldthorpe Scholarship
- Award Amount: $500
- Number of Awards: 1 per year
- License Requirement: Any active Amateur Radio License Class
- Region: Any
- Field of Study: Any
- Institution: 4-year college or university
- Other: Financial need; Active volunteer service in the community
- Award Amount: $500
The Paul and Helen L. Grauer Scholarship
- Award Amount: $1,000
- Number of Awards: 1 per year
- License Requirement: Any active Amateur Radio License Class
- Region: Resident of ARRL Midwest Division (IA, KS, MO, NE)
- Field of Study:
Bachelor's degree or higher in electronics, communications, or related field
- Institution: Attending school in the Midwest Division
The K2TEO Martin J. Green, Sr. Memorial Scholarship
- Award Amount: $1,000
- Number of Awards: 1 per year
- License Requirement: General class license or higher
- Region: Any
- Field of Study: Any
- Institution: Any
- Other: Preference given to a student ham from a ham family
- Award Amount: $1,000
The K2PLF Martin J. Green, Jr. Memorial Scholarship
- Award Amount: $1,000
- Number of Awards: 1 per year
- License Requirement: General class license or higher
- Region: Any
- Field of Study: Any
- Institution: Any
- Other: Preference given to a student ham from a ham family
The RFinder LLC – Arthur L. Greenberg, W2LH, and Madeline Greenberg, W2EEO, Memorial Scholarship
- Award Amount: $1,000
- Number of Awards: 1 per year
- License Requirement: Applicant must hold a General Class or higher Amateur Radio Operators license.
- Region: All
- Field of Study: Science, Math, Engineering or Technology
- Institution: Fully accredited institution or university.
- Other: Applicant must be a US citizen.
- Award Amount: $1,000
The Gulf Coast Amateur Radio Club Scholarship
- Award Amount: $2,000
- Number of Awards: 1 per year
- License Requirement: Any active amateur radio license
- Region: Preference will be given to residents of Pasco County, Florida; if no qualified applicant is identified then preference will be given to residents of the West Central Florida Sectioin counties
- Field of Study: Science, technology or mathematics
- Institution: Any
The Gwinnett Amateur Radio Society Scholarship
- Award Amount: $1,000
- Number of Awards: 1 per year
- License Requirement: Any active Amateur Radio License Class
- Region: Resident of Gwinnett County GA, or the State of GA
- Field of Study: Any
- Institution: 4 year college or university
The Ronald Hesselbrock, WA8LOW, Memorial Scholarship
- Award Amount: $10,000
- Number of Awards: 1 per year
- License Requirement: Any active amateur radio license; applicant must have held license for a minimum of one year prior to the application date
- Region: Any
- Field of Study: Any
- Institution: Any community college, college, university or trade school accredited by an accrediting body recognized by the U.S. Department of Education
- Other: Applicant must have been a member of the ARRL for a minimum of one year prior to the application date; Applicant must demonstrate that they are active in amateur radio for a minimum of one year prior to the application date by submitting a letter from an amateur radio club officer or from an official ini the ARRL Field Service organization verifying their activity.
The Harry A. Hodges, W6YOO, Scholarship
Amount: $1,000
Number of Awards: 1 per year
License Requirement: Valid FCC-issued Technician Class or higher amateur radio license
Region: Preference given to applicants from San Diego County, California. If no qualified applicant is identified, preference will be given to applicants from California
Field of Study: Any
Institution: Any accredited college, university, junior college or trade technical school in the United States
Other: 1) Applicant must be a high school senior and United States citizen. 2) Applicant must be performing at a high academic level or an at-risk youth with at least two counselor or teacher recommendations as to how and why they have turned their lives around. 3) Applicant must demonstrate activity and interest in radio service or some technical proficiency by participating in some form of radio related activities such as emergency communications, equipment construction, community radio services, scouting, etc.
The Michael Holt, K8MJH, and Mary Holt, KC8OIP, Scholarship
Award Amount: $2,500
Number of awards: Two per year
License Requirement: Any active Amateur Radio License Class for two years, preference for General Class
Region: Any
Field of Study: Preference for an Engineering discipline
Institution: Full-time student at an accredited 4-year college or university
Must be a citizen of the United States but without regard to gender, race, national origin, handicap status or any other factor.
IRARC Memorial, Joseph P. Rubino, WA4MMD, Scholarship
- Award Amount: $750
- Number of Awards: Multiple per year as funds permit
- License Requirement: Any active Amateur Radio License Class
- Region: Resident of Brevard County FL, or any FL resident
- Field of Study: Undergraduate degree or electronic technician certification program
- Institution: Accredited institution
- Other: Minimum 2.5 GPA on a 4.0 scale; preference given to need and higher GPA
- Award Amount: $750
The Indianapolis Amateur Radio Association Scholarshp Fund
- Amount: $1,000
- Number of Awards: 1 per year
- License Requirement: Any active FCC-issued amateur radio license
- Region: State of Indiana; if no qualified applicant is identified, preference given to applicants from the ARRL Central Division (Illinois, Indiana and Wisconsion)
- Field of Study: Electrical or Electronics Engineering, Computer Science or related fields
- Institution: Any
The K3IVO Freestate Amateur Radio Club Scholarship
- Award Amount: $2,500
- Number of Awards: One
- License Requirement: any FCC-issued amateur radio license class
- Region: Maryland, DC, Delaware, Pennsylvania, or West Virginia
- Field of Study: communications, technology, or engineering
- Institution: an accredited 2-or 4- year college, university, or trade school. Graduate studies accepted.
- Must be a citizen of the United States but without regard to gender, race, national origin, handicap status or any other factor.
The Richard G. Kirkpatrick, K8WU, Memorial Scholarship
- Award Amount: $1,000
- Number of Awards: 1 per year
- License Requirement: Applicant must be an Amateur Radio Operator pursuing higher education.
- Region: No geographical requirements.
- Field of Study: No requirements.
- Institution: Recipient's college of choice.
- Award Amount: $1,000
The David Knaus Memorial Scholarship
- Award Amount: $3,000
- Number of Awards: 1 per year
- License Requirement: An active Amateur Radio license
- Region: Residence in WI. If none identified, residence in the ARRL Central Division (IL, IN, WI)
- Field of Study: Bachelor's degree or a 2 year Associate's degree
This Scholarship is sponsored by the West Allis Radio Amateur Club
- Award Amount: $3,000
The Helen Laughlin AM Mode Memorial Scholarship
- Award Amount: $1,000
- Number of Awards: 1 per year
- License Requirement: General Class or higher
- Region: Preference is given to residents of Texas, If no qualified applicant is identified, preference will be given to residents of Arkansas. If no qualified applicant is identified, preference will be given to residents of the ARRL West Gulf (Texas, Oklahoma) or Delta (Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee) Divisions.
- Field of Study: Any
- Institution: 4-year college or university
- Other: Preference is given to women Amateur Radio operators who are performing at a high academic level. Preference is given to applicants who have made a contact in the AM mode, but is not required.
- Award Amount: $1,000
The Dr. James L. Lawson Memorial Scholarship
- Award Amount: $1,000
- Number of Awards: 1 per year
- License Requirement: General Class or higher
- Region: Resident of New England states (ME, NH, VT, CT, RI, MA) and NY
- Field of Study: Bachelor's degree or higher in electronics, communications, or related fields
- Institution: Any in New England or NY
- Award Amount: $1,000
The Louisiana Memorial Scholarship
- Award Amount: $750
- Number of Awards: 1 per year
- License Requirement: Active Technician Class or higher
- Region: Any
- Field of Study: International studies
- Institution: Accredited post-secondary institution
- Other:
1) Academic merit, financial need and interest in promoting Amateur Radio
2) Preference to an ARRL member
3) Preference to baccalaureate or higher degree candidates
- Award Amount: $750
Click on a scholarship below to expand for more information.
The Magnolia DX Association Scholarship
- Award Amount: $500
- Number of Awards: 1 per year
- License Requirement: Technician Class or higher
- Region: Preference will be for an applicant who is a resident of the State of Mississippi, followed by the ARRL Delta Division.
- Field of Study: Electronics, communications, computer science, engineering or related field.
- Institution: Preference will be given to an applicant who will attend an accredited college, university, or technical school within the State of Mississippi, followed by a school within the ARRL Delta Division.
- Other: Preference will be given to applicants that are graduating high school students.
- Award Amount: $500
The Lois Manley, K7LMZ, and Randall Pitchford, WW7ZZ, Scholarship
- Award Amount: $1,000
- Number of Awards: 1 per year
- License Requirement: Active Technician Class or higher
- Region: ARRL Northwestern Division (Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Alaska), with preference given to residents of Oregon
- Field of Study: Sciences, Technology, Engineering or Mathematics fields
- Institution: Any accredited 2- or 4-year college or university
- Other:
- Award Amount: $1,000
The Steve Marks, W5CIA, Legacy Scholarship Fund
- Award Amount: $1,000
- Number of Awards: 1 per year
- License Requirement: Any active Amateur Radio license class for one year
- Region: Any
- Field of Study: Any
- Institution: An accredited 2- or 4-year college, university, or trade school. Graduate studies permitted.
- Must be a citizen of the United States but without regard to gender, race, national origin, handicap status or any other factor.
The Maryland Military Auxiliary Radio Service, Inc. (MMARSI) Scholarship
- Award Amount: $2,000
- Number of Awards: Two (2) per year
- License Requirement: Any active amateur radio license class
- Region: State of Maryland; if no qualified applicant is identified, preference will be given to applicants from the states of Virginia, Delaware, The District of Columbia, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia, and then the remaining USA.
- Field of Study: Communications and/or communications technology, electrical/RF engineering, cybertechnology
- Institution: Any
- Other: Preference will be given to applicants who show evidence of demonstrated activity within the several amateur emergency communications programs such as MARS, ARES, and RACES
The Fred R. McDaniel Memorial Scholarship
- Award Amount: $1,000
- Number of Awards: 1 per year
- License Requirement: General Class or higher
- Region: Resident of FCC 5th call district (TX, OK, AR, LA, MS, NM)
- Field of Study:
Bachelor's degree or higher in electronics, communications, or related fields
- Institution: Any in the FCC 5th call district
- Other: Preference given to student with 3.0 GPA or higher.
- Award Amount: $1,000
The Anthony J. (Tony) Medeiros, Jr., W1PM, Scholarship
- Award Amount: $1,000
- Number of Awards: 1 per year
- License Requirement: Any active amateur radio license
- Region: ARRL New England Division
- Field of Study: Any
- Institution: Any
The Medical Amateur Radio Council (MARCO) Scholarship
- Award Amount: $1,000
- Number of Awards: 1 per year
- License Requirement: Active Technician Class or higher
- Region: Any
- Field of Study: Field of study must be leading to a career in the healing arts, including, but not necessarily leading to Medicine, Dentistry, Veterinary Medicine, Nursing, Pharmacy, EMT, or Radiology technician. Preference will be given to undergraduate students and those in certificate programs, but graduate students may apply.
- Institution: Accredited 2- or 4-year college or university.
- Other:
1) Applicants should be able to describe how they have engaged in volunteer and/or public service activities making use of Amateur Radio. If possible. applicants should show a desire to encouarge others in the healing arts to become licensed hams.
- Award Amount: $1,000
The Edmond A. Metzger Scholarship
- Award Amount: $500
- Number of Awards: 1 per year
- License Requirement: Any active Amateur Radio License Class
- Regional Preference: Resident of ARRL Central Division (IL, IN, WI)
- Field of Study: Bachelor's degree or higher in electrical engineering
- Institution: Attending school in the Central Division
- Other: Must be an ARRL Member
- Award Amount: $500
The Joel R. Miller, (W7PDX), and Martha C. Miller STEM Scholarship
- Award Amount: $1,000
- Number of Awards: 1 per year
- License Requirement: Active Technician Class or higher
- Region: ARRL Northwestern Division (Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon or Washington)
- Field of Study: Associate's or higher degree in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, or Mathematics.
- Institution: Accredited post-secondary institution
- Other: 3.0 GPA or higher
- Award Amount: $1,000
- Award Amount: $500
- Number of Awards: 1 per year
- License Requirement: Any active Amateur Radio License Class
- Region: Resident of Mississippi
- Field of Study:
Bachelor's degree or higher in electronics, communications, or related fields
- Institution: Any in Mississippi
- Other: Student under 30 years of age
- Award Amount: $500
The Wilse Morgan, WX7P, Memorial ARRL Northwestern Division Scholarship
- Award Amount: $2,000
- Number of Awards: 1 per year
- License Requirement: General Class or higher
- Region: Residence in the ARRL Northwestern Division (Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon or Washington)
- Field of Study: Engineering, Medicine, Science or Business
- Institution: Any
- Other: Preference to applicants with 3.0 GPA or higher for the academic year immediately prior to application (high school or college).
- Award Amount: $2,000
The Scholarship of the Morris Radio Club of New Jersey
- Award Amount: $1,000
- Number of Awards: 1 per year
- License Requirement: Technician Class or higher
- Region: Any
- Field of Study: Any
- Institution: 4-year college or university
- Award Amount: $1,000
The Wayne Nelson, KB4UT, Memorial Scholarship
- Amount: $1,000
- Number of Awards: 1 per year
- License Requirement: Any active amateur radio license
- Region: Preference will be given to Central Florida hams (Orange, Seminole, Osceola, Lake, Volusia, Brevard and Polk Counties); if no suitable applicant found, preference will be given to hams from the State of Florida
- Field of Study: Technical field
- Institution: Any accredited 4-year college or university
- Other: Applicant must be a US citizen; applicant must have a demonstrated previous grade point average of 3.0 or higher on a 4.0 scale in high school or in the previous undergraduate year
The New England Amateur Radio Festival (NEAR-Fest) Memorial Scholarship
- Award Amount: $2,500
- Number of Awards: 1 per year
- License Requirement: First Preference given to Extra Class, Second Preference given to General Class, Third Preference Given to Technician Class. Applicants must have held an amateur radio license for a minimum of one year prior to date of application.
- Region: ARRL New England Division (Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Massachusetts)
- Field of Study: Any undergraduate degree or a two-year technical school in radio communications
- Institution: Accredited post-secondary institution
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- Award Amount: $2,500
The Fritz Nitsch, W4NTO, Memorial Scholarship
- Amount: $5,000
- Number of Awards: 1 per year
- License Requirement: General Class or higher amateur radio license; must be licensed for at least one year prior to applying to scholarship
- Region: Preference given to applicants from South Carolina. If no qualified applicant is identified, preference will be given to an applicant from the Roanoke Division
- Field of Study: Engineering or other 4-year technical degree
- Institution: Any
The North Texas Section Bob Nelson, KB5BNU, Memorial Scholarship
- Award Amount: $750
- Number of Awards: 1 per year
- License Requirement: Applicant must hold an Amateur Radio license and be actively involved in some amateur radio related activity.
- Region: Applicant must have graduated high school located within the North Texas Section, and may attend college or university in this section. Additional applicants to be considered: North Texas residency, attending a school in another state, applicants of other Texas sections attending school in our state or out and Oklahoma residents attending school in Texas or another state.
- Field of Study: All
- Institution: Fully accredited institution or university. Applicants must be enrolled in a full time degree program, with a minimum of twelve (12) credit hours per semester.
- Other: Applicant must be a US citizen.
- Award Amount: $750
The North Fulton Amateur Radio League Scholarship
- Award Amount: $2,000
- Number of Awards: 2 per year
- License Requirement: None
- Region: Residence in GA. If no qualified applicant, preference will be awarded to an applicant from the ARRL Southeastern Division (Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands)
- Field of Study: Engineering or Computer Science. If no qualified appilcant, award given regardless of the field of study.
- Institution: Any
- Other: Must be a member of ARRL
- Award Amount: $2,000
The O. M. International Sideband Society (OMISS) Scholarship
- Award Amount: $1,000
- Number of Awards: 1 per year
- License Requirement: Active General Class or higher
- Region: Any
- Field of Study: Science, Math, Engineering or Technology-related field
- Institution: Accredited 4-year college or university
- Other:
1) Preference Special consideration given to adult applicants beginning or returning to school. Preference is also given to prior year's recipient if he/she reapplies and continues to meet eligibility requirements. Applicant must be enrolled in classes that will result in earning a total of 6 credits or more per semester.
2) Recipient must provide OMISS members with a brief report of his/her educational studies and Amateur Radio activities at end of school year.
3) Recipients are also encouraged to check into a net to learn about OMISS, and consider membership in OMISS.
- Award Amount: $1,000
The K6GO Gayle Olson and NA6MB Mike Binder Scholarship
- Award Amount: $1,000
- Number of Awards: 1 per year
- License Requirement: Active Technician Class or higher
- Region: Preference is given to residents of San Diego County (especially Vista Unified School District and Fallbrook Union High School District), followed by Orange and Los Angeles Counties (especially Orange Unified School District, Whittier Union High School District, Huntington Beach Union High School District). Award must go to a California student.
- Field of Study: None
- Institution: Accredited 4-year college or university, junior college or trade technicial school in the U.S.
- Other:
1) Applicant must be a high school senior entering an accredited college, university, junior college or trade technical school in the US this coming fall.
2) Applicant must be performing at a high academic level or an at-risk youth with at least two counselor or teacher recommendations as to how and why applicant has turned their lives around.
3) Applicant must demonstrate activity and interest in radio service or some technical proficiency by participating in some form of radio related activities such as emergency communications, equipment construction, community radio services, scouting, etc.
- Award Amount: $1,000
The Orlando HamCation Scholarship
- Award Amount: $1,000
- Number of awards: 1 per year
- License Requirement: Active Amateur Radio license of any class
- Region: Resident of Florida, with preference given to residents of Central Florida (Orange, Seminole, Osceola, Lake, Volusia, Brevard and Polk Counties)
- Field of Study:Technical field of study that would support the radio art
- Institution: Accredited 4-year college or university
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- Award Amount: $1,000
The Ozaukee Radio Club, W9CQO, Scholarship
- Award Amount: $2,000
- Number of Awards: 1 per year
- License Requirement: Any active Amateur Radio License Class
- Region: Resident of Wisconsin
- Age: Applicant must be under 26 years of age.
- Field of Study: Any
- Institution: Applicant must be pursing full-time studies at a four-year undergraduate degree-granting instituion
- Award Amount: $2,000
The Palomar Amateur Radio Club (PARC) Scholarship
- Award Amount: $1,000
- Number of Awards: 1 per year
- License Requirement: Active Technician Class or higher
- Region: Preference is given to applicants residing in San Diego or Imperial Counties, CA
- Field of Study: Any
- Institution: Accredited college, university, junior college or trade school
- Other:
1) Applicant must be a high school senior and performing at a high academic level
2) Applicants are encouraged to be a member of PARC
3) Applicant must demonstrate activity and interest in radio service such as emergency communications, equipment constructions, or community radio services
- Award Amount: $1,000
The Ray, NØRP, & Katie, WØKTE, Pautz Scholarship
- Award Amount: $500 - $1,000 based on earnings
- Number of Awards: 1 per year
- License Requirement: General Class or higher
- Region: Resident of the ARRL Midwest Division (IA, KS, MO, NE)
- Field of Study: Electronics, computer science, or related field
- Institution: Accredited 4-year college or university
- Other: Must be an ARRL Member
- Award Amount: $500 - $1,000 based on earnings
The Peoria Area Amateur Radio Club Scholarship
- Award Amount: $500
- Number of Awards: 1 per year
- License Requirement: Technician Class or higher
- Region:
Residence in Central IL in one of these counties: Peoria, Tazewell, Woodford, Knox, McLean, Fulton, Logan, Marshall or Stark
- Field of Study: Any
- Institution: Accredited 2 or 4-year college or university
- Award Amount: $500
The PHD Amateur Radio Association Scholarship
- Award Amount: $1,000
- Number of Awards: 1 per year
- License Requirement: Any active Amateur Radio License Class
- Region: Resident of ARRL Midwest Division (IA, KS, MO, NE)
- Field of Study: Journalism, computer science, or electronic engineering
- Institution: Any
- Other: Student may be the child of a deceased radio amateur
- Award Amount: $1,000
The Pikes Peak Radio Amateur Association (PPRAA) Memorial Scholarship
- Amount: $4,000
- Number of Awards: 1 per year
- License Requirement: Any active amateur radio license
- Region: Preference will be given to applicants residing in the State of Colorado or applicants attending any accredited 4-year college or university within the State of Colorado
- Field of Study: Engineering, Physical Science or Mathematics
- Institution: Accredited 4-year college or university
The Potomac Valley Radio Club (PVRC) Scholarship
- Amount: $3,000
- Number of Awards: 2 per year
- License Requirement: Any current, valid FCC-issued amateur radio license
- Region: Preference given to applicants who are residents of, or attending a post-secondary institution located in, the District of Columbia or any of the states comprising the main territory of PVRC: Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware, West Virginia, Virginia and North Carolina
- Field of Study: Any
- Institution: Applicant must be pursuing full-time studies at an accredited undergraduate degree-granting institution
- Other: Applicant must be a US citizen
The Don Riebhoff Memorial Scholarship
- Award Amount: $1,000
- Number of Awards: 1 per year
- License Requirement: Active Technician Class or higher
- Region: Any
- Field of Study: International studies
- Institution: Accredited post-secondary institution
- Other:
1) Academic merit, financial need and interest in promoting Amateur Radio
2) Preference to an ARRL member
3) Preference to baccalaureate or higher degree candidates
- Award Amount: $1,000
The Robert A. Rodriguez K5AUW Scholarship
- Award Amount: $1,000
- Number of Awards: Two (2) per year
- License Requirement: Any active amateur radio license
- Region: Preference will be given to applicants who reside in: ARRL South Texas Section (first preference); The State of Texas (second preference); ARRL West Gulf Division (third preference). If there is no applicant from the preferred areas then no scholarship will be awarded.
- Field of Study: Preference will be given to applicants pursuing studies in Electrical Engineering, Electronics Engineering, Computer Engineering, Electrical Technology, Electronics Technology, or Computer Technology
- Institution: Any accredited 2- or 4-year university, college or technical school
- Other: The scholarship is open to graduating high school seniors, and to previous awardees. A previous awardee must show evidence of satisfactory academic performance. Satisfactory performance is defined as a GPA of 2.5 on a 4 point scale. An awardee may apply annuallyt for the scholarship, up to the completion of studies or four years, whichever comes first, and will be given preference over new applicants.
Click on a scholarship below to expand for more information.
The Michael Tortorella, W2IY, Scholarship Fund
- Award Amount: $2,500
- Number of Awards: 1 per year
- License Requirement: General Class or Extra Class active Amateur Radio License, must have been licensed for at least three years
- Region: Any
- Field of Study: Mathematics or data science
- Institution: Any
- Other: Show evidence of CW interest and proficiency
- Award Amount: $2,500
The Bill, W2ONV, and Ann Salerno Memorial Scholarship
- Award Amount: $1,000
- Number of Awards: 2 per year
- License Requirement: Any active Amateur Radio License Class
- Region: Any
- Field of Study: Any
- Institution: accredited 4-year college or university
- Other:
1) High School GPA must be 3.7 or higher
2) Aggregate income of family household no greater than $100,000 per year
3) Recipient may recieve this scholarship only once
- Award Amount: $1,000
The Shenandoah Valley Amateur Radio Club Scholarship
- Award Amount: $1,000
- Number of Awards: 1 per year
- License Requirement: Applicant must hold a Technician Class or higher Amateur Radio Operators license.
- Region: Preference will be given to applicants residing in the following Virginia counties: Page, Shenandoah, Warren, Clarke, City of Winchester, or the following West Virginia counties: Hampshire, Jefferson and Berkeley. If no qualified applicant is identified, the scholarship may be awarded to any applicant residing in Virginia who meets other eligibility requirements.
- Field of Study: Business, Science, Math, Engineering or Technology-related field.
- Institution: Fully accredited institution or university.
- Other: Applicant must be a US citizen.
- Award Amount: $1,000
The Six Meter Club of Chicago Scholarship
- Award amount: $500
- Number of Awards: 1 per year
- License Requirement: Any active Amateur Radio license class
- Region: Resident of IL or ARRL Central Division (Indiana, Wisconsin)
- Field of Study: Any
- Institution: Part-time or full-time post-secondary student at a regionally accredited technical school, community college, college or university leading to an undergraduate degree
- Other: Preference to applicants with GPA of 2.5 or better and in good academic standing.
- Award amount: $500
The Steel City ARC Scholarship
- Amount: $1,000
- Number of Awards: 1 per year
- License Requirement: Any active amateur radio license class
- Region: ARRL Western Pennsylvania Section of the Atlantic Division
- Field of Study: Science, Technology, Engineering or Math
- Institution: Any
The Carole J. Streeter, KB9JBR, Scholarship
- Award amount: $1,000
- Number of Awards: 1 per year
- License Requirement: Any class of active Amateur Radio license with preference for basic Morse code capability
- Region: none
- Field of Study: Medical
- Institution: Accredited college or university
- Other: U.S. citizenship
- Award amount: $1,000
The Robert D., W8ST, and Donna J., W9DJS, Streeter Scholarship
- Award Amount: $1,000
- Number of Awards: 1 per year
- License Requirement: Any active Amateur Radio License Class
- Region: Any
- Field of Study: Horticulture and/or environmental sciences
- Institution: Any
- Award Amount: $1,000
The Homer V. Thompson, W4CWV, and Annette P. Thompson, W4LKM, Memorial Scholarship
- Award Amount: $1,500
- Number of Awards: 1 per year
- License Requirement: Applicant must hold an Amateur Radio license.
- Region: Preference will be given to Florida residents. If no qualified Florida applicant is identified, the scholarship may be awarded to an applicant from the ARRL Southeastern Division (Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Puerto Rico and US Virgin Islands).
- Field of Study: Agriculture, Business, Science, Math, Engineering or Technology-related field.
- Institution: Fully accredited institution or university.
- Other: Applicant must be a US citizen.
- Award Amount: $1,500
The Alan G. Thorpe, K1TMW, Memorial Scholarship
- Award Amount: $1,000
- Number of Awards: 1 per year
- License Requirement: Any active Amateur Radio License class
- Region: No geographic requirements
- Field of Study: Any
- Institution: Any accredited 4-year college or university
- Award Amount: $1,000
The Vienna Wireless Society Scholarship
- Award Amount: $1,000
- Number of Awards: 1 per year
- License Requirement: Any active amateur radio license class
- Region: Preference will be given to applicants from Virginia; if no qualified applicant is identified, preference will be given to applicants from Maryland or the District of Columbia (DC)
- Field of Study: Any
- Institution: Any
The Gary Wagner, K3OMI, Scholarship
- Award Amount: $1,000
- Number of awards: 1 per year
- License Requirement: Active Novice Class Amateur Radio License or higher
- Region: Resident of NC, VA, WV, MD or TN
- Field of Study: Studies toward a Bachelor of Science degree in any field of engineering
- Institution: Accredited 4-year college or university in NC, VA, WV, MD or TN
1) U.S. citizen
2) Financial need
Go Now - Award Amount: $1,000
The Francis Walton Memorial Scholarship
- Award Amount: $500
- Number of Awards: 1-2 per year
- License Requirement: Any active license class
- Region: Preference given to applicants residing in Illinois; Applicant must be a resident of the ARRL Central Division (IL, IN, WI)
- Field of Study: Agriculture, electronics, history, broadcasting, communications or related fields
- Institution: Any
- Other: Preference is given to applicants demonstrating knowledge of CW (code) and/or those demonstrating interest in promoting Amateur Radio Service
- Award Amount: $500
The Michael R. Ware, NN3I, Scholarship
- Award Amount: $2,000
- Number of Awards: 1 per year
- License Requirement: Must hold a current General Class License for at least two years or more before application submission, or hold a current Amateur Extra Class License
- Region: Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey, New York, or New England.
- Field of Study: Science, Technology, Engineering or Math
- Institution: Any fully accredited 4-year US college or university or graduate school thereof, and have a GPA of 3.0 or higher out of a 4.0 scale
- Other: Must provide proof of financial need
- Applicant must be a citizen of the United States but without regard to gender, race, national origin, handicap status or any other factor.
The Richard Warren K6OBS Memorial Scholarship
- Award Amount: $500
- Number of Awards: 1 per year
- License Requirement: Any valid FCC-issued amateur radio license
- Region: Preference given to residents of San Diego and Imperial Counties of CA; if no qualified candidate identified, scholarship must be awarded to a resident of CA
- Field of Study: Education, Science, Math, Engineering, Technology or a Health Care-related field.
- Institution: Fully accredited institution or university.
- Other: Applicant must be a US citizen. Applicant must be performing at a high academic level or an at-risk youth with at least two counselor or teacher recommendations as to how and why they have turned their lives around.
- Award Amount: $500
The Allen and Bertha Watson Memorial Scholarship
- Award Amount: $500
- Number of Awards: 1 per year
- License Requirement: Any active Amateur Radio License class
- Region: Residence or student of 4-year university or college in Oklahoma. If no qualified applicant is identified,resident or student of 4-year college or university in the ARRL West Gulf Division (Texas and Oklahoma).
- Field of Study: Science, Technology or Engineering
- Institution: Any
- Award Amount: $500
The Betty Weatherford, KQ6RE, Memorial Scholarship
- Award Amount: $1,000
- Number of Awards: 1 per year
- License Requirement: Any active Amateur Radio License class
- Region: Any
- Field of Study: Electrical or Communications Engineering
- Institution: Any
- Award Amount: $1,000
The L. Phil and Alice J. Wicker Scholarship
- Award Amount: $2,000
- Number of awards: 1 per year
- License Requirement: Active General Class license or higher
- Region: Residence and attending school in the ARRL Roanoke Division (NC, SC, VA, WV)
- Field of Study: Bachelor's degree or higher in electronics, communications, or related fields
- Award Amount: $2,000
The William C. Winscott, N6CHA, Memorial Scholarship
- Award Amount: $2,500
- Number of awards: 1 per year
- License Requirement: Any active Amateur Radio license class
- Region: Any
- Field of Study: Any
- Institution: Accredited 4-year college or university
- Other: This scholarship is not currently active. First award will be made the year following Mr. Winscott's passing and receipt of the William C. Winscott Trust
- Award Amount: $2,500
The World Wide Radio Operators Foundation (WWROF) Scholarship
The WWROF Scholarships are open to all radio amateurs. US licensure, US residence and US citizenship are not requirements.
- Award Amount: $2,500
- Number of Awards: 2 per year
- License Requirement: Any active amateur radio license
- Region: Any
- Field of Study: Any
- Institution: Any
- Other: Preference will be given to applicants 25 years of age or younger at the time of application. Applicants must show proof of on-the-air amateur radio activity during the previous year [examples: awards for operating achievements, participation in on-the-air operating activities such as Field Day]. Applicants must also submit a written rationale as to why he/she should be awarded the scholarship.
The YASME Foundation Scholarship
- Award Amount: $5,000
- License Requirement:
Applicant must have been licensed for at least two years and currently hold a General Class or higher Amateur Radio license
- Region: Any
- Field of Study: Sciences or Engineering
- Institution: Accredited four-year college or university
- Other: Preference to students active in a local Amateur Radio Club and in community service. Preference to high school applicants ranked in the top 5%- 10% of their class or to college students in the top 10% of their class
- Recipient is to provide YASME a brief report of his/her Amateur Radio activities at the end of the school year.
Previous awardees of a YASME Scholarship seeking renewal of must submit a new application and transcript each year.
Go Now - Award Amount: $5,000
The Yankee Clipper Contest Club Youth Scholarship
- Award Amount: $1,500 - $2,000
- Number of Awards: 1 per year
- License Requirement: Active General Class License or higher
- Region: Residence and college/university attendance within 175 miles of YCCC center which is in Erving, MA. MA, RI, CT and Long Island, NY, most of VT and NH, portions of ME, eastern NY and northeastern sections of PA and NJ.
- Maximum Age Requirement: Recipient must be 22 years or younger as of June 1 of the year of the grant.
- Field of Study: 2 or 4-year program
- Institution: Accredited college or university
- Award Amount: $1,500 - $2,000
The John C. York, KE5V, Scholarship
- Award Amount: $1,000
- Number of Awards: 1 per year
- License Requirement: Active Technician Class License or higher
- Region: Any
- Field of Study: Applicant must be pursuing a field of study leading to a career in the healing arts, including but not limited to a career in Medicine, Nursing, Dentistry, Pharmacy, EMT, or Radiology
- Institution: Any accredited 2- or 4-year college or university
- Other: Applicants should describe how they have engaged iin volunteer and/or public service activities making use of amateur radio. If possible, applicants should show a desire to encourage others in the healing arts to become licensed hams.
The You've Got a Friend in Pennsylvania Scholarship
- Award Amount: $1,000
- Number of Awards: 1 per year
- License Requirement: General Class or Extra Class active Amateur Radio License
- Region: Residence in the Commonwealth of PA
- Field of Study: Any
- Institution: Any
- Other: An "A" or equivalent GPA including graded courses in math, science and languages and excluding grades in sports or physical education; must be a member of ARRL
- Award Amount: $1,000
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