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License Instructor Registration

Explaining the principles of radio science (Amateur Radio licensing covers more than just radio science) in the context of an Amateur Radio licensing class takes hard work and dedication. That’s why we support ARRL–registered volunteer instructors as a part of the National Instructor Program.  The results are extremely gratifying, especially when newcomers earn their own licenses and begin enjoying their new privileges on the air.

Meet Gordon West, WB6NOA -- ARRL National Instructor. Gordo is THE Gordon West WB6NOA is smiling outside wearing a yellow vest and blue shirt.instructor’s instructor, and an incredible ambassador for amateur radio and ARRL. Gordo’s tireless efforts to support amateur radio classes and volunteer instructors have benefited generations of new hams. Look for even more resources for instructors and students at

Apply to the ARRL National Instructor Program and take advantage of the Instructor/Teacher Discount Program on purchases of designated instructional materials.  We’ll add you to our electronic mailing list to keep you up to date on resources and programs you may find valuable to your instruction and classroom activities.  We also provide instructional materials online: License Class Resources For Instructors. Before you register, please review ARRL Registered Instructor Qualifications. PLEASE NOTE: If you are unsure as to whether or not you are currently an ARRL affiliated instructor, simply log into our website with your username and password. Look for your name at the top of the screen after the word 'Hello'.  Click your name to access your profile. Click 'Volunteer Affiliations' in the left column of the screen. You will see all of your affiliations on that page. If it shows you're part of the Instructors Group, then you are affiliated and do not need to complete the registration form again. If you are having difficulties finding this information, please speak to a customer service representative during business hours by calling 888-277-5289, and ask them to check your account for the affiliation.

Please note: You must be a current ARRL Member to be a part of the ARRL National Instructor Program.  If you are unsure whether or not you are a current member, please contact our Membership Department during business hours at 888-277-5289 to verify. Instructor registrations must be approved by the ARRL Educationand Learning Department before being added to our database. Members nearing expiration will be added to program upon renewal of membership. If you do not receive an email confirmation within 7 business days after you submit your registration, please be sure to check your email's Spam folder first.  If you still do not find the confirmation email, please contact us at

Cannot be an address

ARRL Instructors must be acitve ARRL members. Please provide your ARRL Member Number.

Do you conduct classes in affiliation with a local amateur radio club or other organization? *

Select date

Please remember to list your class with ARRL at:

If you chose OTHER HAM RADIO TOPICS please describe them below

Materials used for Instruction *

I encourage my students to join ARRL: *

(e.g. I am a Middle School Science Teacher)


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