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Frequency Coordinators

Amateur Frequency Coordinators

[Note: The following is excerpted from the ARRL Repeater Directory.]

The ARRL is not a Frequency Coordinator, nor does the ARRL "certify" coordinators. Frequency Coordinators are volunteers normally appointed by a coordinating body. The ARRL reports only the fact of coordination or non-coordination as instructed by the coordinating body. Publication of coordinator information by the ARRL does not constitute nor imply endorsement or recognition of the authority of such coordinators, as coordinators derive their authority from the voluntary participation of the entire amateur community in the areas they serve. Frequency Coordinators keep extensive records of repeater input, output and control frequencies, including those not published in directories (at the owner's request). The coordinator will recommend frequencies for a proposed repeater in order to minimize interference with other repeaters and simplex operations. Therefore, anyone considering the installation of a repeater should check with the local frequency coordinator prior to such installation.

At this time the ARRL cannot verify whether the National Frequency Coordinator's Council (NFCC) is still in existance or operational.  If you have a frequency coordination issue for VHF/UHF repeaters you should try to determine the coordinator in your state and work through them.  The ARRL does not coordinate repeaters as part of their mission.


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