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Tower Grounding Mar 7th 2021, 19:45 1 5,455 on 7/3/21

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Tower Grounding makitaman60 on 7/3/21
Tower height will be 40' to 50'. I would like to run a #4 copper up each leg to point just above the thrust bearing and form a small circle of #4 to tie the three runs coming off the legs. Trying to shield the rotator and thrusts bearing from any high currents from a strike by having a better more negative or positive route. I've seen this done and it works well as long the ground is equal at the top and bottom. If I can get 25 ohms or better measured at any point in the grounding system should be fine. No welded thrusts bearing a no welded rotator gears. I want that strike in the ground ASAP. Any ideas will be greatly appreciated.

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