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Newbie General Repeater Question Feb 15th 2021, 17:10 6 7,752 on 22/2/21
Amplitude Modulation Jan 24th 2021, 19:30 8 6,123 on 26/1/21

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Newbie General Repeater Question GrandAdam12 on 16/2/21
Thank you Zak...
Newbie General Repeater Question GrandAdam12 on 16/2/21
Thank you Zak. It is clear to me now why the repeaters are local comms as both parties have to be within range, i.e. that is where the longer distances come into play with digital/Internet...

Just a side question, what is the point of having a repeater that reaches greater distance if the uplink is local? Is it that person A can use local repeater and person B at 30 miles can use their local repeater and we each listen on the perspective downlink frequency?

I appreciate your direction, hope you don't mind the questions.

Thank you,

Newbie General Repeater Question GrandAdam12 on 15/2/21
I appreciate any guidance. I have looked but haven’t found my answer online. When two people talk through a repeater, both individuals are communicating on the uplink and listening on the downlink? When person A talks to person B through the repeater, person B’s communication is not ‘routed’ back through the downlink to person A, both are using the same up and down links? Assuming this is true, then it is true that modern ham radios, HT’s are configured as such that when the offset is correct, person A will Tx on the uplink and the radio will know to listen on the downlink frequency? And I assume that any digital communication would take the same ‘route’? My computer network background is overlapping here. Hope this makes sense. I am just trying to get it straight in my head.

Thank you,

Amplitude Modulation GrandAdam12 on 26/1/21
Interesting. I think I am putting this together. I work in IT and the term in networking we use is 'encapsulation' for essentially moving packets with different headers. In radio, it sounds like the term 'envelope' does the same with signals...Thank you,
Amplitude Modulation GrandAdam12 on 25/1/21
Just a follow-up that popped into my head. Being separate signals at different frequencies above and/or below the carrier, how does the receiver know that the sideband belongs to the carrier?

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