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bonding two distant 8' copper grounding rods Aug 24th 2021, 13:57 2 5,635 on 25/8/21
Hurricane-ready (rotatable) antenna mast holder Feb 19th 2021, 12:39 1 5,452 on 19/2/21

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bonding two distant 8' copper grounding rods arrl2020 on 24/8/21
Greetings from Noobland:

I want to install an antenna mast that will hold an over-the-air omni-directional TV antenna, and a yagi for my UHF/VHF transceiver. The metal mast will be anchored to a concrete block on the ground, and my gutters.

I plan to electrically ground the mast, and the coax cables coming from the antennas to a new 8’ copper ground rod that will be only six inches from where the mast touches the ground.

How do I bond the new 8’ copper ground rod to the existing (20 year-old) 8’ ground rod that is under my residential load center that is 90’ away on the other side of the house?

Is this idea dumb or doable?
Hurricane-ready (rotatable) antenna mast holder arrl2020 on 19/2/21
I want to put up an external vertical (15 foot high) antenna mast that I can occasionally rotate 90 degrees from the Y axis to the X axis, so that when a hurricane blows through my state I can rotate the mast to lay flat on the ground.

The gutters on my house already have a notch for a vertical ground-based mast, so when a hurricane is in-bound, the mast could be rotated and secured to the ground, parallel to my house.

Does anyone have any thoughts about the mechanism I could use on the ground to hold the mast in its usual vertical orientation, but also let it rotate?

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