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LDG Tuner problem with Icom rig May 15th 2018, 13:42 1 6,402 on 15/5/18

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LDG Tuner problem with Icom rig coralbayfl on 15/5/18
I have an Icom IC-707 and recently purchased an LDG tuner IT-100 icom interface. I set the radio menu to ah-3 mode, and hit the tune button. The radio switches to CW mode for about 1 second, and then the leds on the tuner indicate no RF. It is like the radio is not staying in transmit mode long enough to key the tuner. After several failed attempts, I exchanged the tuner for an AT-100 PRO 2 tuner. I get the same result with the icom connection. However, this tuner also can be rf driven, If I switch to AM,key the mic at 25w,the tuner tunes. I would like to use the icom cable with the icom tune button.....any ideas? Thanks!

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