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SWR/Power Meter Irratic Dec 5th 2014, 07:33 4 5,971 on 17/12/14

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SWR/Power Meter Irratic W7JMQ on 6/12/14
Thanks for the response. I have also found that if I read the carrier forward power on both SWR meters as PEP they are normal. The problem only occurs when reading average power.
SWR/Power Meter Irratic W7JMQ on 5/12/14
I am operating on a Kenwood 440SAT @ 100w into a Cushcraft R8 vertical. The Kenwood was modified by Cal Fisher to allow the carrier control to adjust the power output in SSB.

My concern is that my Daiwa 801HP and my Diamond SX-600 pin on 20/17 meters and read high on the other bands. It often shows power output at about 120-140W on the other bands. This problem was present before the carrier control mod was done. I can turn my carrier down to bring it to read 100w on the SWR meters but then I get no output reading on the ALC. I only operate in band portions where the native SWR is below 1.8 (measured by an MFJ 259C) and I rarely use the built-in antenna tuner. It makes little difference in the SWR where I operate and it reduces the power output.

I see anywhere from .5 to about 5W reflected power when the antenna is in-line and when I dummy load the radio and all readings are within normal range.

Any ideas? Thanx, K6JMQ

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