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80 meters propagation Sep 18th 2015, 00:29 7 19,193 on 16/3/16

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80 meters propagation W7LUU on 18/9/15
Hi Zack and thanks for the reply and links. The operative sentence is "The claim was that the 80 meters propagation today is dramatically different than years past." I've been a ham for 50+ years so I know about propagation on other bands and about HAARP. So more pointedly, thinking back 10 or 15 years ago, is the 80 meter band subjectively different in propagation than 10 or 15 years ago. I remember there was some predictability, others say its not anymore.
80 meters propagation W7LUU on 18/9/15
Ladies & Gents: Art Bell was talking with another ham the other day and both supported each other in a 80 meters propagation claim. The claim was that the 80 meters propagation today is dramatically different than years past. That it used to be there was some reliability in the expectations between day/night and seasonal summer/winter conditions. Today, propagation is so unreliable with expected band conditions that it is believed that "something strange is going on with the band". It was suggested some of the high--power, high frequency, ionosphere experiments in Alaska have altered the conditions beyond anything a veteran 80 meter operator might expect previously. Can anyone out there comment on their experiences to confirm, deny, or offer comments? Could be very interesting. W7LUU

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