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Satellite Orbits Mar 25th 2013, 15:21 4 13,750 on 28/8/15

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Satellite Orbits 2000726408H80 on 26/3/13
Thanks for the information! I'll take a look at both.
Satellite Orbits 2000726408H80 on 25/3/13
A group I'm with will be participating in the June Field Day this year. One thing we've discussed would be doing a demonstration on Satellite Communications.

Most of the software I've seen gives estimates of orbits only a few days in advance, which isn't much time to plan. Does anyone know of a method of obtaining at least an estimate of a specific satellite orbit in advance - more than a few days - perhaps a month or more.

I realize that the details may be estimates only, but that would be better than nothing. If I had at least an idea that a specific satellite would be in the "neighborhood" around a specific time, we could plan and then tune our efforts as we get closer.
Another new source of RFI on 70CM K8WHB on 6/2/12
The medical devices are very limited in power, so I would guess that unless you had a neighbor with one (or more) of these devices, you wouldn't be bothered.

I'm more concerned about a 100 watt repeater causing harmful interference with one of these devices or at a hospital. Or, perhaps a transmitter in a home with a neighbor next door with a device.

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