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Why not Kentucky? Nov 22nd 2013, 15:56 5 8,382 on 25/11/13
LoTW down? Jan 30th 2013, 18:52 3 7,347 on 2/2/13

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Why not Kentucky? OH6NT on 25/11/13
Hello Stephen. Of course; that makes sense! He has obviously not filled in his state in his uploaded QSO data. I contacted him, and he promised to look into it, but I could not tell him this particular at the time, so I'll mail him again. Thanks for the clarification. Matter's closed. BTW, I'd need ND also on CW, so hw about a sked; if possible mail me at :-) CU, Tom.
Why not Kentucky? OH6NT on 23/11/13
Hi Martin, yes the QSO is verified on LoTW, but he is not recognized as beeing in KY! The QSO data in my previous post is from LoTW. I have been there too with wrong time on the QSO, but then it don't get verified. So... ??? de OH6NT
Why not Kentucky? OH6NT on 22/11/13
Hello all. I'm trying to get the WAS basic, and have worked all the states, but for some reason LoTW won't recognise my QSO with K4UU as a QSO form Kentucky (KY), even if it's properly verified...

Worked K4UU
Date/Time 2013-10-26 13:32:06
Band 15M
Frequency 21.239780
Receive Frequency 21.239.780
QSL 2013-10-27 20:07:17

Can anyone explain this, it is the last state needed for my WAS?
Best Regards, Thomas / OH6NT
LoTW down? OH6NT on 2/2/13
> Yes, LoTW seems to be down at the moment.
> I would check
> periodically for news. But there is no new news right now.

Hi Martiin, tnx for info. I tried all available sources B4 posting, but good to get verified that it wasn't my equipment.

I see that now (f´Febb 2) there is some info on the News page. It would of course be nice to post a note there before they take the service down... On the other hand, why should I have to know everything ;-)

73:s, Tom / OH6NT
LoTW down? OH6NT on 30/1/13
I can't connect to LoTW, getting this error message:

Fatal error: initializeLOTWDB: -709 - CONNECT: (cannot connect to server socket): General database error [initializeLOTWDB: -709 - CONNECT: (cannot connect to server socket)]

Anyone else has this problem? Nothing on the ARRL news page either...
73 de OH6NT

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