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Estate Giving

Giving for Tomorrow

The personal and thoughtful process of planning your estate  will help you provide for your family and express your charitable giving desires for those organizations that mean the most to you.  We hope Legacy-Circle-Carousel-333-X-220_2.GIFthat ARRL and Amateur Radio are among those organizations.  

By including ARRL in your estate plans you will leave a powerful legacy for Amateur Radio and provide the long range power for ARRL to educate the next generation, to protect the valuable amateur spectrum you enjoy, to preserve the traditions and history of our service, and to ensure that Amateur Radio will be ready to provide vital public service when disaster strikes. 

Many of our loyal members tell us that they owe so much to Amateur Radio, but are on fixed incomes and need to limit their contributions. We certainly understand that dilemma and hope that the information we provide will present some new giving opportunities to consider. 

When you notify the ARRL Development Office of your estate plans you will be welcomed as a member of The ARRL Legacy Circle.  You will receive an invitation to ARRL donor recognition events and, with your permission, recognize your legacy gift in the ARRL Annual Report, in QST and on the web. 

All estate gifts are added to the ARRL Endowment, ensuring a strong financial future for ARRL. You may designate an estate gift to one of the dedicated ARRL funds to help provide resources for specific activities you value and that are important to the future of the Amateur Radio. Or you may be choose to support the ARRL Unrestricted Operating Fund. 

Tax Law Changes Bring Opportunities

When Congress enacted the 2001 Tax Act substantial changes resulted in federal income, gift, and estate taxation.  Charitable gifts continue to be fully deductible under federal tax law as well as the laws of many states.  Changes to tax laws will mean that the amount of taxes paid by many Americans will be significantly reduced this year and in the future. When you review your financial situation, you may enjoy increased freedom to save, spend, and give your assets to others in ways that are more in keeping with your personal priorities.

As changes take place new opportunities emerge that can be both exciting and overwhelming.  The key step is to decide how your wishes will be carried out, and then find an advisor to help you draft or revise your will or other plans to ensure that your wishes are followed.  There are many creative ways you, your family and your charitable interests may benefit from tax law changes in the next few years and provide tax advantages as well.

Questions about Estate Giving? Contact Us


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