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ARRL Clubs - Maury ARC

Maury ARC

Maury ARC

Contact Information

Club Name:
Maury ARC
Call Sign:
Joe D. Duncan N4JW
Daytime Phone:
(615) 332-1401

Basic Information

Call Sign:
Annual Report:
Jan 16th 2025
Meeting Time:
2nd Tuesday monthly at 7 PM (eat at 5:30)
Meeting Place:
TBD - Check our website for updates
Affiliation Date:
Jan 19th 1963
Contest, Digital Modes, DX, General Interest, Public Service/Emergency, Repeaters, VHF/UHF
Services Offered:
License Test Sessions, Mentor, Repeater

The Originally founded in 1976, the Maury Amateur Radio Club (MARC) is a registered Tennessee non-profit public service corporation located in Columbia (Maury County) Tennessee. We are dedicated to promoting the art, science, and enjoyment of amateur radio while providing for the common good of our community through our expertise in communications. MARC sponsors the Maury County Amateur Radio Emergency Services (ARES®) group.

MARC members own and operate two repeaters located 2 miles south of Columbia, TN. The VHF repeater is on 147.12 MHz (+.600 offset), with a 127.3 CTCSS tone, and is open to all Amateur Radio operators. Our UHF analog repeater is on 443.175 (+5.000 offset) with a 100 CTCSS tone and is linked full time to the MTEARS network. Both repeaters operate under the club call W4GGM.

Membership in the MARC is $25.00 for 1 year per family. This includes all licensed Ham family members that are currently living in the home.

The MARC has many things going on thoughout the year, from monthly Club Meetings and Breakfasts to contest and Field Day activities. We host several weekly Club Nets, conduct Amateur Radio License Testing, Fox Hunts, Antenna Build parties, and various other club activities. There is always something fun and exciting going on in the MARC! If you are Ham operator visiting the Middle Tennessee area, make sure and get on the repeater and chat with the local operators. You will always be welcome!


Club Statistics

Club Members:
Voting Members:
Voting Licensed Amateur Members:
Voting ARRL Members:

Maury ARC Officers

  • Joe D. Duncan N4JW

    Contact, President

    Joe D. Duncan N4JW

  • Paula L. Thompson KK4WVO

    Treasurer, Secretary

    Paula L. Thompson KK4WVO

  • Travis A. Henry KO4HUO

    Vice President

    Travis A. Henry KO4HUO

  • William W. Milligan K4BX


    William W. Milligan K4BX


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