Buena Amateur Radio Club

Contact Information
- Club Name:
- Buena Amateur Radio Club
- Call Sign:
- Contact:
- Jerry J. Marinacci KE2CK
- Daytime Phone:
- (856) 697-6484
- Evening Phone:
- (856) 697-6484
Basic Information
- Call Sign:
- Annual Report:
- Sep 18th 2024
- Meeting Time:
- 2nd Tuesday of months Feb., May, Aug., Nov. @ 7:00 PM
- Meeting Place:
- 112 W. Pacific Avenue, Minotola, NJ 08341
- Section:
- Affiliation Date:
- Oct 10th 2012
- Specialties:
- DX, General Interest, Public Service/Emergency, Repeaters, VHF/UHF
- Services Offered:
- Entry-Level License Classes, General Or Higher License Classes, Mentor, Repeater
- Description:
New election held September 18, 2024. Three members were present. Election results are Brett, K2BKW remains President/ Vice- President and Jerry, KE2CK remains secretary. Currently we have 8 members on record however 3 members live out of state.
Our efforts to place a repeater on our Municipal Utilities Aurthority water tower has become a reality. We obtained permission from the MUA and the county OEM. Antenna installation is scheduled for the first week of October 2024. Once everything is OK topside we will install the repeater and it will be operational by end of business day. KE2CK is currently teaching a Technician licensing classes with 11 students who will become members of the club once they pass their test.
Please note: Since our Boro is now associated with Franklin Township regarding PD coverage and Traffic Court and the fact we have moved our location to Buena Boro due to our repeater being installed on the Buena Boro MUA water tower we have changes our name to "Buena Amateur Radio Club" ( We were unable to change our name above) KE2CK will contact our area ARRL rep to inqhire how to make the name change above.
Basic club interests are repeaters, entry level training & mentoring, HF operations, SkyWarn activities and net through Cumberland County OEM.
Contact information: KE2CK@arrl.net
- Links:
- http://
Club Statistics
- Club Members:
- 7
- Voting Members:
- 4
- Voting Licensed Amateur Members:
- 4
- Voting ARRL Members:
- 4
Buena Amateur Radio Club Officers
Contact, Secretary, Editor
Jerry J. Marinacci KE2CK -
President, Vice President
Brett K. Waller K2BKW