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6 Meter Firsts

US 6 Meter Firsts

  • Introduction-

    Six-meter stations from the 48 mainland United States have contacted 262 DXCC entities as of header date shown, according to the best available information. All claimed first two-way six-meter contacts must have been made no earlier than March 1, 1946, using any transmission mode between 50 and 54 MHz.


    ARRL DXCC rules govern criteria for listing, including official six-meter authorization dates, new and deleted countries, and authenticity of expeditions. Illegal operations can not be recognized. Contacts must be valid, but do not require QSL cards. It may be necessary to verify some contacts at a later time.

  • US 6 Meter Firsts By Prefix (Updated 23 October 2024)+

  • US 6 Meter Firsts By Date (Updated 23 October 2024)+


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