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W1AW/KL7 to Serve as ARRL Headquarters Station for IARU Event


W1AW/KL7 will be in Alaska to serve as the ARRL Headquarters (HQ) station for the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) HF World Championship competition on July 10 – 11.

To provide radio amateurs an opportunity to work W1AW, as well as the state of Alaska, use of W1AW/KL7 has been authorized from 0000 UTC on July 8 to 2359 UTC on July 13.

NU1AW, the IARU Headquarters station, will be active as NU1AW/5, in a multioperator distributed operation from the ARRL West Gulf Division (Texas and Oklahoma). NU1AW/5 will be on CW and SSB, 1.8 – 28 MHz. W1AW/KL7 and NU1AW will be the only US HQ stations active.

IARU President Tim Ellam, VE6SH, will be giving out the AC (Administrative Council) multiplier, along with new IARU Secretary Joel Harrison, W5ZN.

Here is a list of IARU HQ stations, courtesy of Bob, N6TV, and Joe, OZ0J. — Thanks to The Daily DX and The ARRL Contest Update for some information



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