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  • K1LT

    01/22/2009 | LoTW Reaches New Milestone: 200 Million QSOs

    On January 16, Vic Kean Jr, K1LT, of Carroll, Ohio, uploaded four years' worth of logs -- about 25,000 QSOs -- to ARRL's Logbook of The World (LoTW). Somewhere in that batch, the LoTW counter crossed the 2 million mark. To celebrate Kean's submission of t
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  • 01/21/2009 | David J. Strout Sr, W2YC, #1 Triple Play

    On Thursday, January 15, ARRL officials confirmed that David J. Strout Sr, W2YC, of Williamstown, New Jersey, is the recipient of the very first Triple Play Award. "Strout received the final needed confir
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  • KevinMartin

    01/21/2009 | FCC Chairman Kevin Martin Announces Resignation

    The Aspen Institute, a non-partisan think-tank, announced today that FCC Chairman Kevin Martin will join their group as a Senior Fellow in the Communications and Society Program on Tuesday, January 20, immediately upon his departure from the FCC. Accordin
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  • 01/16/2009 | Joint ARRL-RAC EmComm Event Canceled

    The Radio Amateurs of Canada (RAC) have cancelled their joint special event with the ARRL, scheduled for March 16-17 in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. This was to be a follow-up to an Learn More

  • Dennis

    01/14/2009 | W1AW Adds Yaesu's "Top-of-the-Line" Rig to Station

    Thanks to the generosity of Yaesu, W1AW, the Hiram Percy Maxim Memorial Station, now boasts the Yaesu's premier transceiver -- a FTDX9000D. Dennis Motschenbacher, K7BV, Executive Vice President for Yaesu's Amateur Radio Sales Division, visited ARRL Headqu
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  • WD2XSH_Map

    01/13/2009 | ARRL 500 kHz Experiment Shows Increased Activity

    In the 500 kHz Experiment quarterly report for the period ending November 2008, Experiment Coordinator Fritz Raab, W1FR, reported that 21 participating stations are currently active since the experiment began in late 2006. The FCC's Office of Engineering
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  • 01/12/2009 | Everett "Curly" Silva, K7HRW (SK)

    Former ARRL Nevada Section Manager Everett "Curly" Silva, K7HRW, passed away December 29, 2008 of cancer. He was 81. A retired captain with the Nevada Highway Patrol, Silva served as Section Manager from January 1994-June 1995. He was affiliated
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  • 01/12/2009 | As Storms Pummeled Northwestern States, Hams Responded to Local Needs

    After another week of wild weather in Oregon and Washington, residents in those states are just beginning to see the Sun. With an onslaught of wind, snow and rain this winter season, hams in the affected areas have been called upon by local served agencie
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