IARU Administrative Council Addresses Wide-Ranging Agenda in Virtual Meeting
The Administrative Council (AC) of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) held its annual meeting in early October. The AC, which is responsible for the policy and management of the IARU, consists of three IARU international officers and two representatives from each of the three IARU regional organizations. Due to COVID-19 restrictions still in place in many parts of the world, a virtual format was required for the October 7 – 9 meeting.
The AC heard complete reports on IARU preparations for World Radiocommunication Conference 2023 (WRC-23). It was noted that many of the ITU-R working parties have made less progress in virtual meetings than with in-person meetings, but more IARU volunteers have been able to follow the meetings. A group was appointed to draft a paper to guide member-societies in addressing possible revisions to so-called “country footnotes” in the Radio Regulations with their governments.
IARU continues to participate in the work of CISPR, the International Special Committee on Radio Interference. Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Coordinator Martin Sach, G8KDF, continues to work with CISPR to address the need for reasonable standards to limit the increasing threat of radio spectrum pollution from proliferating digital devices and wireless power transmission.
IARU Beacon Project International Coordinator Peter Jennings, AB6WM/VE3SUN, provided a comprehensive written report on the status of the International Beacon Project, an HF time-shared beacon network supported by the Northern California DX Foundation (NCDXF) and the IARU. The report highlighted the efforts of local groups and individuals to maintain and improve the system of beacon stations.
IARU Satellite Coordinator Hans Blondeel Timmerman, PB2T, presented his report, noting that it requires considerable time to explain the need for an amateur radio “mission” to those applying for commercial and educational satellite coordination. Without an amateur radio mission, the requests cannot be granted.
IARU Emergency Communications Special Advisor Rod Stafford, W6ROD, reported on his work representing the IARU in the ITU Telecommunication Development Sector (ITU-D). The World Telecommunication Development Conference has been postponed to 2022.
In 2019, the AC formed a committee to address the growing pressure on amateur spectrum allocations, particularly on frequency bands at 144 MHz and above. The committee reported its findings to the AC, and a letter providing guidance on the matter was approved for distribution to member-societies.
The AC received and approved the final report from its Core Mission Working Group. The recommendations will be reviewed for implementation by additional working groups focusing on the future of IARU.
The AC bestowed the Michael J. Owen, VK3KI, Memorial Award to Don Beattie, G3BJ, for his many years of work with IARU supporting the amateur radio services worldwide. The AC also bestowed the IARU Diamond Award to Gopal Madhavan VU2GMN/M0GDB, and Ken Yamamoto, JA1CJP, for their long record of exemplary service to the IARU and their respective member-societies.
Administrative Council members attending the meeting were IARU President Tim Ellam, VE6SH/G4HUA; Vice President Ole Garpestad, LA2RR; Secretary Joel Harrison, W5ZN; regional representatives Don Beattie, G3BJ; Hans Blondeel Timmerman, PB2T; Ramón Santoyo, XE1KK, and George Gorsline, VE3YV, as well as Wisnu Widjaja, YB0AZ, and Ken Yamamoto, JA1CJP. Participating as observers were Region 1 Executive Committee members Sylvain Azarian, F4GKR, and Mats Espling, SM6EAN; Region 3 Director-Elect Yudi Hasbi, YD1PRY; Emergency Communications Special Advisor Rod Stafford, W6ROD, and Assistant Secretary David Sumner, K1ZZ.
The Summary Record of the October meeting has been posted. — Thanks to the IARU