2022 ARRL Field Day Weekend -- Are You Ready?
For 2022, there are some new rule changes in effect. Beginning this year, all stations, regardless of operating class, are limited to 100 W PEP transmitter output. The rule waivers that were in effect for the past 2 years -- allowing Class D (home stations) to contact other Class D stations for points, and the publishing of a Club Aggregate Score -- have been made permanent. Additionally, for groups claiming media publicity bonus points, the rules now stipulate that you must obtain media coverage for your event, not simply attempt to do so. For complete Field Day rules see www.arrl.org/field-day.
ARRLĀ Field Day is amateur radio's open house -- an opportunity to showcase what amateur radio is all about to the public. Some groups use Field Day as an exercise in emergency preparedness, others treat it as a competition, and for some, it's a social gathering. Field Day is entirely what you make of it.
If you're a newly licensed ham and you would like to know where a group in your area is hosting a Field Day event, visit the ARRL Field Day Station Locator web page at www.arrl.org/field-day-locator.
How will you or your radio club participate in ARRL Field Day? You can let others know about your planned activity before, during, and after the event via social media on the ARRL Field Day Facebook page at facebook.com/groups/arrlfd. When sharing your activities or photos, please use the hashtags #ARRLFD #ARRL #hamradio and #amateurradio.
After the event, be sure to submit your Field Day entry to ARRL by using the web-based submission form at field-day.arrl.org/fdentry.php. Participants are also encouraged to submit their Field Day stories and photos via the soapbox at field-day.arrl.org/fdsoapbox.php. Entries are due 30 days after the conclusion of the event at 2059 UTC on Tuesday, July 26, 2022.