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Online Scammers

Mar 5th, 06:31

Joined: May 19th 2024, 20:49
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I was helping a friend who got scammed into sharing too much with a stranger online. I needed to find her resources to get through it without losing it. Checked this site that lists stuff for blackmail victims. It’s got a bunch of helpful spots to check, ways to lock things down after, and some pointers on getting real help if it’s bad – all simple enough that you don’t need to be an expert to use it. I liked how it gave her a few paths to try out.
Mar 5th, 06:38

Joined: Oct 3rd 2024, 11:57
Total Topics: 0
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Good afternoon. I wanted to find out what online scammers are and how to protect myself from them. Can you tell me some reliable resource about this.

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