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Tarot reading

Today, 05:48


Joined: Yesterday, 17:26
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I’ve always been intrigued by tarot, but I never thought it would have such a profound impact on me. During a difficult time in my life, I turned to tarot reading at this website for guidance, hoping for some sense of direction. What I get was more than just a prediction—it was a deep, meaningful reflection on my situation online. The experts helped me see my fears and insecurities in a new way, showing me that I had more control over my life than I thought.
Today, 05:50


Joined: Feb 9th, 14:47
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I think it’s like therapy in card form. I also think astrology, when done in-depth, can show personality tendencies. Not “you’re a Leo, so you must be loud,” but more like patterns in behavior.
Today, 06:11


Joined: Feb 9th, 13:30
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HI guys! Do you believe in tarot readings?
I had a tarot reading once where the cards talked about letting go of the past, and even though it wasn’t magic, it made me think about what I was holding onto.

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