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Is PayPal a safe option for international transactions?

Dec 18th, 09:44


Joined: Apr 23rd, 09:50
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Planning to buy some items from an overseas seller, but I’ve heard stories about people losing their money in international transactions. I’ve never used PayPal before, but I’ve seen it recommended as a secure payment method. I’m curious if it’s really as reliable as people say, and how it protects buyers from losing their funds.

Dec 19th, 16:15

Joined: Jul 7th, 12:27
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Reviews of PayPal transactions are often mixed, at least I read such information via Ezcorp reviews . On the one hand, it is a convenient and fast way to transfer money, but on the other hand, sometimes there are problems with freezing accounts or long checks. Many complain about complicated refund processes in case of disputes. Personally, I think PayPal is a good platform for security, but it is important to always carefully monitor all transactions and conditions.

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