Edmond ARS
Contact Information
- Club Name:
- Edmond ARS
- Call Sign:
- Contact:
- Gary V. Stillman AE5GS
- Email:
- K5EOK@arrl.net
Basic Information
- ARRL Special Service Club
- Call Sign:
- Annual Report:
- Jan 30th 2025
- Meeting Time:
- 2nd Tuesday at 7:00 PM
- Meeting Place:
- EFD Admin Bldg., 5300 E. Covell Edmond, OK 73034
- Section:
- OK
- Affiliation Date:
- Sep 26th 1960
- Specialties:
- Contest, Digital Modes, DX, General Interest, Public Service/Emergency, Repeaters, VHF/UHF
- Services Offered:
- Entry-Level License Classes, License Test Sessions, Mentor, On-The-Air Bulletins, Repeater
- Description:
The Edmond Amateur Radio Society, EARS, was founded in 1957 as a full-service amateur radio club. The club serves and assists the city of Edmond and surrounding communities through a number of radio communications activities including but not limited to: support for emergency operations, weather spotting, and parade marshaling. The club conducts HAM radio-related classes and technical workshops. For those interested in becoming licensed HAM operators, EARS provides American Radio Relay League (ARRL) volunteer examiner (VE) testing sessions. EARS members participate in weekly VHF, UHF and HF informational and fellowship nets, and work actively to promote and support numerous social and special events such as community QSO parties, Winter and Summer Field Days, the Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon and Edmond’s LibertyFest.
- Links:
- http://www.k5eok.org
Club Statistics
- Club Members:
- 168
- Voting Members:
- 162
- Voting Licensed Amateur Members:
- 162
- Voting ARRL Members:
- 89
Edmond ARS Officers
Gary V. Stillman AE5GS -
Clay H. Mayrose WA6LBU -
John L. Little AE5XZ -
Dale L. Durnell KF8DLD -
Vice President, Editor
Steven T. Christy N5ZQ
SSC Certificate (1.3 MB)